28 Active Databases
Dr R. Baskaran
Conventional (Passive Databases)
- Data model, usually relational
- Transaction model – Passive update principle Example of further real world problem
- Inventory control – reordering of items when quantity in stock falls below threshold.
- Travel waiting list – book ticket as soon as right kind is available
- Stock market – Buy/sell stocks when price below/above threshold
- specify actions that are automatically triggered by certain events
- generalised model: EVENT-CONDITION-ACTION (ECA)
- event(s): database update operation(s)
- condition: determines whether the rule is to be executed after the event occurred
- action: action to be taken
- SQL command(s)
- external program
- rules are sometimes called triggers
- however, some systems make distinctions between them (Postgres)
What is a trigger?
- Trigger is like a procedure that is automatically invoked by the DBMS in response to specified changes to data base.
- Trigger is like a ‘Daemon that monitors a data base, and is executed when the data base is modified in a way that matches the event specification.
- A data base that has a set of associated triggers is called an active data base.
Event-Condition-Action (ECA)
- Event occurs in databases
- addition of new row, deletion of row by DBMS
- Conditions are checked
- SQL condition
- Actions are executed if conditions are satisfied
- SQL + procedures
- All data actions performed by the trigger execute within the same transaction in which the trigger fires,
- Cannot contain transaction control statements (COMMIT,SAVEPOINT, ROLLBACK)
Database Triggers in SQL
- Not specified in SQL-92, but standardized in SQL3(SQL1999)
- Available in most enterprise DBMSs (Oracle, IBM DB2, MS SQL server) and some public domain DBMSs (Postgres)
- but not present in smaller desktop (Oracle Lite) and public domain DBMS (MySQL)
- Some vendor DBMS permit native extensions to SQL for specifying the triggers
- E.g. PL/SQL in Oracle, Transact SQL in MS SQL Server
- Some DBMS also general purpose programming language instead of SQL
- Eg. C/C++ in Poet, Java in Oracle, C#/VB in SQL Server
- Some DBMS extend the triggers beyond tables
- for example also to views as in Oracle
Types of SQL Triggers
- How many times should the trigger body execute when the triggering event takes place?
- Per statement: the trigger body executes once for the triggering event. This is the default.
- For each row: the trigger body executes once for each row affected by the triggering event.
Issues about active databases
- general model (remember): ECA
- event
- can be more specific (see “update of salary on employee”)
- condition
- could be empty when solely the event triggers
- row-level rule: the rule is triggered for each tuple for which the condition is satisfied
- statement-level rule: the rule is triggered only once for each triggering statement
- action
- SQL statement or external procedure
Statement and Row Triggers
Example 1: Monitoring Statement Events
SQL> INSERT INTO dept (deptno, dname, loc) 2 VALUES (50, ‘EDUCATION’, ‘NEW YORK’);
Execute only once even if multiple rows affected
Example 2: Monitoring Row Events
2 SET sal = sal * 1.1
3 WHERE deptno = 30;
Execute for each row of table affected by event
Firing Sequence of Database
- Conventional (Passive) vs Active Databases (Triggers)
- Active DBMSs embed situation-action rules in database.
- Event – Condition – Action Rules.
- Types of Triggers
- Row-level trigger
- Statement Level Trigger