15 Priority Queue and Heaps
T.V. Geetha
Welcome to the e-PG Pathshala Lecture Series on Data Structures. We have understood the basic concept of an important ADT – the Queue ADT. In this module we will discuss one very important application of Priority Queues – Heaps.
Learning Objectives
The learning objectives of the module are as follows:
• To explain the Concept of Heap and Priority Queue
• To discuss the properties of Binary Heap
• To describe the operations on a Binary Heap
• To outline the HeapSort algorithm
15.1 Introduction
Let us first recall the implementation of a priority queue using a simple linked list. We can do insertion at the front which takes time O(1) but in this case the deletion of the minimum takes O(N). The other method is to keep list sorted where insertion takes time O(N) while the important operation of a priority queue deleteMin takes time O(1). In this module we will discuss an array implementation called Binary Heap which does not require links and will support both insertion and deleteMin operations in O(logN) worst-case time.
15.2 Implementation of Priority Queues
In this module we will discuss the implementation of priority queues using heaps. Heap is essentially a complete binary tree and hence can be efficiently represented using array-based representation. Priority queues can also be implemented using leftist trees which is basically a linked list implementation.
15.2.1 Binary Heap
A binary heap is the implementation of a heap using a binary tree. A binary heap is basically a binary tree with two additional constraints:
- Shape (Structure) property: A binary heap is a complete binary tree that is only the last level of the binary tree may be incomplete. A heap is a complete binary tree, represented as an array. A complete binary tree is a tree where all the nodes have two children that is completely filled, except probably at the lowest level where the nodes are filled in the left to right order. The complete binary tree of height h has between 2h and 2h+1 – 1 nodes. For a given number of nodes N, the height of a complete binary tree is ëlog Nû. This property allows the efficient implementation of the binary heap using an array such that:
- For any element in array position i, the left child is in position 2i and the right child is in the position after the left child (2i + 1). This in turn means that the parent of a node i is in position ë i/2 û.
- Heap-Order Property: In a heap, for every node X with parent P, the key in P is smaller than or equal to the key in X. This ensures that the minimum element is always at the root. Thus the operation findMin can be carried out in constant time. This type of heap where the minimum element is always at the root is called the min heap. A max heap supports access of the maximum element instead of the minimum at the root of the tree. Therefore we describe the heap as a data structure that satisfies the heap property. The heap property states that if the node A is the parent of node B, the key value of A is ordered with respect value of B. The above ordering applies to every node A in the tree.
15.3 Binary Heap
A max tree (min tree) is a tree in which the value in each node is greater (less) than or equal to those in its children if they exist. Note that there is no ordering among the children. In general the max or min tree need not be a binary tree but however the heap property has to be satisfied. On the other hand a max binary heap (min binary heap) is a max (min) binary tree that is also a complete binary tree. Figure 15.1 shows the example of a Max Heap.
The Max Heap follows the two constraints namely the shape property and the heap property. Since we are discussing a Max heap, the highest priority item is the maximum key and this element will be the root of the tree. As can be seen from Figure 15.1 due to the shape property, the tree is complete except at the last or final level. This enables the heap to be stored using arrays. In our example, the root has the largest element 29 and this element is stored in the first location of the array. Now for i=1, the children are at 2i and 2i+1, that is 29’s children – 25 and 17 are stored in array locations 2 and 3 respectively. For i=2, that is 25’s children 24 and 10 are stored in array locations 4 (2i-2*2) and 5 (2i+1-2*2+1) respectively. Similarly for i= 3 that is 17’s children 13 and 11 are stored in array locations 6 and 7 while for i=4, 24’s children are stored in locations 8 and 9 respectively.
An example of a Min heap where the minimum element is stored at the root and where the children are greater than parent is shown in Figure 15.2.
15.3.1 Binary Heap: FindMin/Max()
The example we will consider for discussing the different operations on the binary heap is a Min heap. As we already discussed the highest priority item is at the root of the binary tree and hence the FindMin() has to just return the root where running time is O(1).
15.3.2 Binary Heap: Insert(key)
Figure 15.4 Insert(key)
A new item is always inserted in the last level of the tree, in the first free spot from left to right in the complete binary tree. The insertion of this new item most probably violates the heap property. Step 2 is when this new item ‘Bubbles up’ until the heap property is satisfied again. Figure 15.4 (c) and (d) shows the checking of the Min property and the exchange of the new element 4 with its parent 12 since this being a Min heap, parent element should be less than the child. Figure 15.4 (e) and (f) shows the checking of the Min property and the exchange of the element 4 with its new parent 5 since this being a Min heap, parent element should be less than the child. Figure 15.4 (g) and (h) shows the checking of the Min property and the exchange of the element 4 with its new parent (again) 5 since this being a Min heap, parent element should be less than the child. Now the new element has bubbled up the tree so that the Min heap property is satisfied. In our example 4 becomes the new root.
15.3.3 Binary Heap: Delete()
Figure 15.5 shows the deletion of an item, usually the minimum item that will at the root of the Min heap. Figure 15.5 (a) and (b) shows step 1 where here remove root item. Now in Step 2 we replace the root with the last item, from left to right, in the last level (Figure 15.5 (c) and (d)). Now we go to Step 3 where the new root item ‘Bubbles down’ until the heap property is satisfied. When swapping a parent, we must always swap with the minimum child. Figure 15.5 (e) to (h) shows the bubbling down of node till the heap property is satisfied.
15.4 Cost of Binary Heap Construction
The insertion of each new item into a binary heap costs O(logn). If there are n items to be inserted, the overall cost to build the whole binary heap will be O(nlogn). For analysing buildHeap, the linear time bound can be shown by computing the sum of the heights of all the nodes in the heap. The perfect binary tree of height h contains N = 2h+1 – 1 nodes.
15.5 Heapsort
The priority queue can be used to sort N items by inserting every item into a binary heap and extracting every item by calling RemoveMin N times, thus sorting the result. An algorithm based on this idea of using heap is the heapsort algorithm. This algorithm is an O(N logN) worst-case sorting algorithm. The algorithm uses an extra array for the items exiting the heap. We can avoid this problem by shrinking the heap by 1 after each RemoveMin. In this way the cell that was last in the heap can be used to store the element that was just deleted. Using this strategy, after the last RemoveMin, the array will contain all elements in decreasing order if the heap used was a Min heap. In case we want the elements to be sorted in increasing order we must use a max heap.
• Explained the Concept of Heap and Priority Queue
• Explained the concept of MinHeap & MaxHeap
• Discussed the structure and order properties Binary Heap
• Described the operations on a Binary Heap
• Outlined the HeapSort algorithm
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