2 List and List ADT
T.V. Geetha
Welcome to the e-PG Pathshala Lecture Series on Data Structures.This is the second module of the paper and we will be talking about list and list ADT – a basic data structure.You will be studying list ADT and the different operations associated with lists.
Learning Objectives
The learning objectives of the introductory module are as follows:
• To describe the list and its uses
• To understand the list ADT and know about the different operations associated with the list ADT
• To understand the different types of list
2.1 Every Day Lists
Before we go further let us look at the use of lists in everyday life. Today we use lists in a more sophisticated manner by having it on a mobile phone but even before this weused lists in a conventional manner by either having a mental list or having a grocery list written down. We have jobs to do list, list of assignments to be done,Dean’s list of students selected for placement or any other situation where we need to specify some sequential order of elements. May be you can think of other lists you do use in your everyday life.
2.2 Properties of Lists
Let us first ask some questions about lists.
Can lists have a single element? Can lists have no element? Or can there be a list of lists- the answer to all these questions is yes. So let us look at some properties of lists. Remember we will be looking at the list as an abstract data type. There are some properties associated with any list ADT. These properties include the list has to be homogenous, it is of finite length and it has a sequence of elements . This essentially means that all the elements of the list are of the same type, that it can have any length but we are dealing with a finite length and then there is some sequence associated with the elements – so that is the definition of list
Let us look at an example. Consider a room with 40 seats in fixed positions. Now desks are wasted if there are less than 40 people and there are not enough desks if there are more than 40 people. The array can be considered as a room where each desk is an array location. Suppose we have some persons in the room who are seated at the desks ordered alphabetically according to their names. We want to add a new person but we want to maintainthe alphabetical order – this means we need to shift some people. If we remove a person from the middle of the sequence again we need to shift some people.
Now look at the example Figure 2.1 given below: Assume the people are seated in locations in alphabetic order.
Anna | Bhuvana | Chander | Eve | Gowri | Hema | Kalyani | Leela | Mani |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Figure 2.1. An alphabetically ordered list
Now suppose Deepak enters the room. He has to be seated between Chander and Eve in order to maintain the alphabetic order and so all people from Eve to Mani have to shift one place to the right to make room for Deepak. Similarly if one person leaves the room and we do not want a vacant location, then all people after that has to shift one place to the left.
Now let us continue with the definition of an ADT list. Except for the first and last items, each item has a unique predecessor and a unique successor. However, head or front do not have a predecessor and likewise tail or end do not have a successor Figure 2.2. In other words a Linear List is a list in which each element has a unique successor.

Figure 2.3. Categorization of Lists
Figure 2.3 shows one categorization of lists. Themajor categories of lists are general lists and restricted lists. In general list data can be inserted to and deleted from anywhere in the list. Under general lists there are three categories – unordered list with the elements in the list not being in any particular order while in ordered lists – the order of the elements in the list are maintained during insertion and deletion, and indexed lists where insertion and deletion are associated with index into the list. In addition to general lists we have what is called as restricted list. In the case of restricted liststhe restriction is on where you can add data. In the first case – you have the FIFO -first in first out type of lists called as stacks – that is the insertion and deletion is allowed only at one designated end of the list. The second case of the restricted lists is the LIFO – the last in first out list called as queue where you insert into one end and delete from the other end.
We begin with a discussion of the basic list operations. These operations include insertion, deletion, retrieval and traversal. In fact these operations are the basic operationsassociatedwithany data structure. Now let us look at the operationsthat wedescribe for the list ADT. Theseinclude constructing an empty list, checking whether the list is empty, finding out the number of items in a list and finally Inserting/Adding an element/item into the list. Another important operation associated with any data structure is the delete operation. There are many variations to the delete operation. These include deleting/removing an element/item from the list, removing the item at a given position in the list, removing all the items from the list, or retrieving (getting) an item ( without removing) at a given position in the list. Another operation is traversing (iterating through) the list. In addition some other operations include modifying, outputting, searching for a specific value, copying, saving orrearranging the elements of the list.
2.4 The List ADT
The List ADT models a sequence of positions storing arbitrary objects -establishes a before/after relation between positions. This is an important property associated with lists. A list Listof size N can be represented as A0, A1, …, AN-1 where each element Ak has a unique position k in the list. In addition remember that the elements of a list can be arbitrarily complex.
2.4.1 Operations on Lists
Generic operations associated with lists are
- size() – this is a method which gives the size of the list and
- isEmpty() – is a Boolean method which gives a value of true if the list is empty.
Other operations are insert, insert(X,k), Delete(X), find(X), findKth(k), printList(), makeEmpty and remove.
• Assume the Example list is as given below:
the elements of a list are
34, 12, 52, 16, 12
- insert-inserts an element to a list
- insert(X,k)- which inserts element X at kth position of the list.
- insert(x,3) ® 34, 12, 52, x, 16, 12
- Insert (20, 3) à 34, 12, 52, 20, 16, 12
- Delete(X) which removes the item/element X from the list.
- Delete (52) à 34, 12, 20, 16, 12
- find(X) – finds out the location of the element X is in the list
- find(52) ® 3
- findKth(k) – finds the element X at the kth position of the list while
- FindKth (2) à20
- printList() – prints the contents of the entire list
- makeEmpty- creates an empty list
- remove: delete an element from the list
2.4.2 Designing a List ADT
We must remember that the LIST ADT having a different set of operations is a different ADT. However, whatever the purpose for which we are designing the List ADT, it must have the following methods associated with it
Implementation of the ADT involves defining representing the data and defining the operations from the design phase.
These are some of the Accessor methods associated with lists.
first(), last(), prev(p), next(p)
These are some of the Update methods associated with Lists. Here p stands for position and e for element.
replace(p, e) – element e replaces original element at position p
remove(p)- removes element at position p
insertBefore(p, e)- inserts an element e before position p
insertAfter(p, e)- inserts an element e after position p
insertFirst(e)- inserts element e as first element of list
insertLast(e)- inserts element e as last element of list
2.5Position ADT
Position itself can be an ADT. The Position ADT models the notion of place within a data structure where a single object/element is stored. It gives a unified view of diverse ways of storing data.
element(p): returns the element stored at the position
2.6 The ADT List and its Various Forms
Figure 2.4 shows the wall perspective of an ADT where the interface is what is seen by the user of the ADT while the implementation details are hidden from the user of

Wall of ADT operations
Figure 2.4.The wall between displayList and implementation of the ADT list
the ADT. In the figure the wall of ADT operations separates the display list function, and the retrieval operation for example from the implementation details of the list.As already discussed operations common to allcategories of lists shown in Figure 2.3.
Removing elements in various ways
Checking the status of the list (isEmpty, size)
Iterating through the elements in the list
The key differences between the general list types involve the way elements are added to an ordered list, an unordered list and to an indexed list.
Before we go to describe the three types of lists let us summarize the different operations on lists (Figure 2.5). Please note that these operation definitions are applicable to all types of lists.

Most of the operations in Figure 2.5 have already been discussed. contains is an operator that determines if an element is in the list while iterator is an operation that returns an iterator for the elements of the list. Another common operator is tostring that represents a string representation of the list.
As already discussed a list is a linear collection, which is flexible where adding and removing elements from a list does not have to happen at one end or the other.
2.7 Three Types of General Lists
In this section we will examine three types of list collections namely ordered lists, unordered lists and indexed lists. Please note the same operations associated with general lists have been used with appropriate modifications when we define these operations for the three types of general lists.
2.7.1 Ordered Lists Ordered list:
The elements of an ordered list are ordered by some inherent characteristic of the elements. In other words, the elements themselves determine where they are stored in the list. Examples of such lists are very common in our everyday life and for many applications.
Examples:Names in alphabetical order, Numeric scores in ascending order.As we have already discussed it is the add operation that is defined differently for ordered lists.
Operation | Description |
add | Adds an element to the list (in the correct place) | Insertion in a general linear list with ordered data

Figure 2.6 Insertion into an Ordered List
Figure 2.6 explains the insertion of data 25 into an ordered list. As explained earlier the position of 25 is decided by the elements already present in the list. Therefore the ADT sortedor orderedlist maintains items in sorted order and inserts and deletes items by their values, not their positions. Figure 2.7 explains how 58 needs to be inserted at position 5. List Search and Retrieval from a List
A list search is used to locate data in a list and is especially important activity for ordered lists. In order to insert data, we need to know the logical predecessor of the new data. Similarly to delete data, we need to find the node to be deleted and identify its logical predecessor. Again to retrieve data from a list, we need to search the list and find the data.
We must use a sequential search because there is no physical relationship among the nodes.The classic sequential search returns the location of an element when it is found andthe address of the last element when it is not found.Because the list is ordered, we need to return the location of the element when it is found and the location where it should be placed when it is not found. List ADT – Retrieving First and Next Element
Now let us look at a simple operation associated with lists- Retrieving the first element from a list L (Figure 2.7). Let us define this as a Boolean function with the first element being returned. There are no preconditions required for calling this function. If the list is empty there will be no postcondition. In case list is not empty the variable elem contains the first element of the list. The Boolean function will return true if and only if there is at least one element in L.
Figure 2.7 Boolean Function First
Similarly let us look at a simple operation associated with lists- Retrieving the next element from a list L (Figure 2.8). Let us define this as a Boolean function with the next element being returned. The Precondition for this function is that the first operation should have been called at least once. If there is no next element or in other words the list contains only one element there will be no postcondition. In case list is contains more than one element the variable elem contains the next element of the list. The Boolean function will return true if and only if there is next item in the list L.

Figure 2.8 Boolean Function Next List ADT – Traversing the List
Traversal is an operation in which all elements in the list are processed sequentially, one by one.The process of accessing each item in the list can be defined in terms of two other operations: accessing the first element in a list and accessing the next element in the list. These are the two operations described in section For traversing a list, we need a walking pointer that moves from node to node (Figure 2.9)

2.7.2 Unordered Lists
Unordered listare lists where the order of the elements in the list is not based on any characteristic of the elements, but is determined by the userof the list. A new element can be puton the front of the list, or on the rear of the list or or after a particular element already in the list.
Examples: shopping list, to-do list, …
As we have already discussed it is the add operation that is defined in three different ways for unordered lists
Operation | Description |
addToFront | Adds an element to the front of the list |
addToRear | Adds an element to the rear of the list |
addAfter | Adds an element after a particular |
element already in the list |
Figure 2.10 Operations Particular to Unordered Lists
2.7.3 Indexed Lists

Indexed lists are lists whereelements are referenced by their numeric positionin the list, called its index. It is the position in the list that is important, and the user can determine the order in which the items go into the list. Every time the list changes, the position (index) of an element may change.
Example: current first-place holder in a race.
There are a number of operations particular to indexed list (Figure 2.11). The add operation is defined as adding an element at a particular index. We can also defined set (setting the element at a particular index, or get( returning a reference to the element at the specified index. IndexOfwill return the index of a specified element while remove will remove an element at a particular index and return the element.
2.8 Summary
- Explained the concept of Lists
- Discussed the different operations that can be carried out with lists
- Outlined the different types of lists
you can view video on List and List ADT | ![]() |
Web Links
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_(abstract_data_type)
- www.cs.cmu.edu/~tcortina/15110sp12/Unit06PtA.pdf
- www.csee.umbc.edu/courses/undergraduate/341/…/Lists/List1.html
- www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~ar3/lectures/ProgrammingII/…/Lecture2PrintOut.pdf
- http://cs.boisestate.edu/~cs221/slides/Lists.ppt
Supporting & Reference Materials
1. Carrano and Henry, “Data Structures and Problem Solving with C++: Walls and Mirrors”, Pearson; 6 edition, 2012
2.Mark Allen Weiss, “Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java”, Pearson; 3rd Edition, 2011.
3.Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, Michael H. Goldwasser, “Data Structures and Algorithms in Java”, Wiley; 6 edition, 2014