3 Scope and significance of Communication

Mrs. Shilpa Hattiangadi

epgp books


Content Outline

  • Introduction
  • Objectives of the module
  • Understanding Communication as a process
  • Mass media
  • Group media
  • How does communication help us?
  • Scope of Communication
  • Social aspect
  • Organizational communication
  • Cultural aspect
  • Entertainment aspect
  • Educational aspect
  • Significance of communication
  • Summary




The world that we live in today is totally connected. Technology has converted the entire world into a global village. At this point one must acknowledge Prof. Marshall McLuhan’s theory of the global village in which he discussed that youth facilitate the global shift from print to electronic media. He predicted in early 1960’s that the entire world would be connected by an electronic nervous system making it a apart of our popular culture. He chose this interesting term “Global Village” as, in that era, the television transformed the world into an interconnected tribe and these gadgets of technology brought us closer as a tribe. His insights were indeed revolutionary at a time when technology hadn’t advanced as today.


Today we live in a complex and networked world where information sharing among members of society or across the corners of the glove is almost instant. We are living in a world that’s bursting with information due to the easy access given to us by technology.


Can you ever imagine a world devoid of emotions, expressions, reactions, ideas, feelings? Communication is at the epicenter of our lives. It has been the most important activities of human life since times immemorial.



Objectives of the module


At the end of the module learners will be able to:

  • explore the scope of communication from different perspectives
  • understand the application of communication in our daily lives
  • learn about the different fields where communication is applied
  • identify the scope of communication in one’s own field


Understanding Communication as a process


Communication is a complex concept which scholars have put down into definitions.


Newman & Summer define communication as an exchange of facts, ideas, options or emotions by two or more persons. For communication to take place, there is a person / sender / transmitter wanting to pass some information, another person to whom this information is to be passed on, the receiver understanding that message and responding to the message or providing feedback. Communication is the method of transferring information between people or group for mutual understanding and confidence. It comprises the flow of information from the sender to the receiver. The receiver must comprehend the meaning and message of information. It can considered as the process of sharing ideas, thoughts, opinions and views from one person to another person. A manager should communicate effectively to his subordinates to implement the plans and policies. The communication is one of the important function of management. A girl calls up a pizza joint and places an order for her favourite pizza. The pizza shop delivers the correct order at the right address within a stipulated time. Communication which seems complete for the moment may proceed in the form of a complaint about the quality of the product or a feedback for appreciation and so on. Communication involves the transmission of verbal and non-verbal messages. A sender, a receiver, and channel of communication, come together to convey complex, sensitive and controversial information. Communication requires complete understanding of behaviors associated with the sender and receiver, in the same way that both can understand each other. It is the exchange of facts, opinion, idea or emotion between two or more than two persons of common interest.


The process of communication can be classified into two categories


Mass media focuses on reaching a wide audience and the group media reaches a specific group with clearly defined characteristics. Radio, television, and internet are examples of mass media channels and drama, storytelling, music and dance falls under group media.


Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place to another. It can be verbal, written by using printed or digital media such as books, magazines, websites or emails. Similarly, visual using logos, maps, charts or graphs and non-verbal using body language, gestures and the tone and pitch of the voice.


How does communication help us?


Understanding the We communicate to inform, educate, seek or give advice, warn e.g. smoking is injurious to health or danger. In a declarative voice on can command or in a firm voice boost morale of students, fellow workers during a crisis situation. We communicate to make suggestions and to persuade. Commonality aspect in communication binds people together brings about a strong feeling of togetherness.


Effective communication is necessary to bring about change in behavior of the receiver. e.g. Public service announcements are crisp messages created to generate awareness about vital issues- like safety and using of helmets, benefits of breast feeding for the young infant and the mother, ill effects of smoking and drugs, Swacchh Bharat Abhiyaan, skill development for the youth, women empowerment, and so on.


Scope of Communication


Let us now study the scope of communication from multiple aspects. The scope of communication can be studied from different perspectives and applied to diverse fields.


Communication is crucial for

  • business,
  • education,
  • administration,
  • civilization,
  • agriculture
  • rural development,
  • practically in every field and
  • many more situations where people need to interact with each other to fulfil their needs and wishes.


Scope of Communication


Social aspect of communication– Humans are social beings and are related / connected to each other on the grounds of humanity, compassion. Communication helps us share joys, sorrows, develop a social bondage with each other. It helps to determine social behavior of beings, inspires and motivates people according to their interests and makes them ready for life struggles.


Organisational Communication


Role of communication organizational system is crucial. It helps to achieve organizational goals. It provides the necessary information, to formulate business plans and policies and facilitates production of goods and services, buying, selling of commodities. Effective communication augments efficiency and effectiveness management by smoothly facilitating production, purchasing and selling, logistics and other activities like planning, organizing, recruiting, leading, coordinating and many more. The communicative skills of the leader / head of organization or manager will boost the employees. Thus, we can say that communication works at strategic, tactic and operational levels.


The main organizational functions are

  • Improved labour management by clear and smooth communication.
  • Creates a sense of belongingness for the organization and motivates workers.
  • Tracks, monitors, performance of employees at all levels and suggests corrective measures to improve performance.
  • Public relations wing of the organizations maintains a strong connect with the clientele existing or prospective and uses propaganda and publicity to achieve the goals of the firm.
  • Communication is vital to inform and educate customers about the product, build faith in brands, familiarize them and make them a part of the customer’s day to day life.


You can think of some brands that you trust completely be it a builder, or car, clothes, jewelry, perfume, hypermarket. Just go back and think what it is that actually draws you to the product. Branding, the way it is communicated to you, reviews, testimonials of the product, customer relationship management, service provided by the firm are all aspects of communication that make you go back to your favorite brand. It could also be your favorite stars endorsing certain ideas, concepts or products. Customer experience and satisfaction forms an important part of communication.


Entertainment aspect Communication from the aspect of entertainment- exciting, we all need entertainment to break the monotony, stress of life and provide us relief. And communication opens up a vast ocean of the mass communication industry. India’s media and entertainment industry is growing at an outstanding pace. The Indian film industry is all set to experience a strong growth to become the largest cinema market after US & China y 2021 according to a report by a consulting firm PWC. The scope of films, drama, music, comedy etc. is wide and lucrative. Currently, there are about 800 plus television channels and the count is growing. All this and more makes the entertainment dimension of communication really exciting. Soap operas are popular beyond words. The characters become a part of audience and the audiences learn through their stories and struggles. Some shows become very popular and people copy behaviours of the characters. Some shows are for complete entertainment, while some project serious issues of gender bias, drug abuse, exploitation of the vulnerable. The popularity of this genre is ruling the Television industry.


Cultural aspect


Moving on to the cultural aspect of communication, it helps spread culture, promote and preserve culture with culture, we refer to the activities that human beings have in common and that they have learned from their ancestors-parents / grandparents. Culture is taught and not inherited hence, communication plays a vital role in sharing cultural aspects. The symbol of culture are things like flags, clothes one wears, language one uses- greetings, rate and loudness of speaking, eye contact, distance between people. It also includes the famous people belonging to certain cultures and their characteristics which are revered by people of future generations e.g. Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Rani of Jhansi Lakshmibai. Rituals of culture are the ways of paying respect to others, celebrating festivals and religious ceremonies. Communication is implicit because of the common understanding shared by members of the same culture. For e.g. significance of Mangal sutra-chain of black beads worn after marriage in certain cultures, sindoor- vermillion applied by married women.Communication is prevalent in spreading and circulating various religious doctrines, prophets and saints preach to their followers, as a duty.


Educational aspect


This is a very crucial aspect of communication that has evolved over the centuries. Technological advancement has changed the style of teaching and learning. When, in the earlier days, teaching would be done using more primitive methods, in recent times, use of technology in this field has grown immensely and contributed to teaching and learning. Educators are increasingly using technology to overcome barriers of time and space and make teaching more learner-friendly. Use of educational applications has gripped early learning. Internet is a gateway to the world and there is immense information available just at the click of the button.


Significance of Communication


Communication brings people together, closer to each other. Communication being an important management function is closely connected with all other managerial functions. It bridges the gap between individuals and groups through flow of information and understanding between them. Information is the most vital aspect for communication. It is the information which is transmitted, studied, analyzed and interpreted and stored. Good communication is vital for efficient management and to enhance relations at work and in our personal lives. In the modern world, the growth of telecommunication, information technology and the growing competition and complexity in production have increased importance of communication in organisations large and small irrespective of their type and kind. A corporate executive must be in a position to communicate effectively with his superiors, colleagues in other departments and subordinates. This will make him perform well and enable him to give his hundred percent to the organisation.


Communication is important for all countries to exchange cultural, economic, social, political, educational and technological affairs with each other. Global organisations such as United Nations, World Bank, SAARC and many more are formed with the idea to facilitate cooperation and communication among countries.


Thus, communication brings together people of the world and develops tolerance towards each other. Communication merges different cultures opens doorways for future engagements. The scope of communication is vast and unending.


When communication is applied to the speedy transformation of a society or nation at large and attempts to alleviate poverty and improve the economic state of its people, it is called as development communication.


Immense body of research is generated in communication in the following areas: Mass media, interpersonal health communication, political entertainment, persuasive communication, new media and technology, computer mediated communication, new media, and technology, computer mediated communication and mobile communication and many more.




Communication makes a huge impact on our performance. We have to make the best of it. In our hectic schedules and pre-occupations of life many communication errors, inadequacies or omissions occur not as a result of lack of knowledge or understanding, but as a result of a lack of thought. Memos or reports are sent without adequate preparation. Meetings are conducted without planning and clear objectives or agendas. And things are said on the spur of the moment that people live to regret. Much of the problem is time. In the professional lives we lead today, pressures seem to intrude and rushing something else is seen as a maybe unfortunate necessity. Yet sorting out what occurs if things go wrong takes tune too sometimes more than can be saved by rushing. Of course, communicating well takes time, but there is no need for it to take much more than it would to communicate less well. Communicating effectively with people means understanding and thinking of both what makes communication work and how others view and respond to the whole process. It is to the latter that we turn in the next chapter. Meantime, the key issues here are: (1) never to underestimate the power of communications for good or ill; (2) to realize that everyone has a personal responsibility for communicating well and that mistakes or excellence by the individual can have wide impact; (3) to see communications as something needing study and care and to be actively worked at (it is all too easy to assume communications are straightforward, forget to engage the brain and suffer the consequences).


you can view video on Scope and significance of Communication


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