12 Basic roles of community worker
Ushvinder Kaur Popli
Content outline
Ø Learning objectives
Ø The guide role
Ø The enabler role
Ø Community diagnosis
Ø Research skill
Ø Information about other communities
Ø Advice on methods
Ø Technical information
Ø Evaluation
Ø The social therapist role
Ø Other subsidiary allied roles of a community worker.
· To understand the various roles of Community Worker
· To understand the role of Community Worker as Guide, Enabler, Expert and Therapist
· To understand the other subsidiary allied roles of a Community Worker.Community organisation is a macro method of social work. The community organiser with the required qualities and skills will be able to work with the people. While working with the people of different background or from different geographical set up the different roles can be applied. All the roles need not be, or cannot be, applied in all the settings or in dealing with all the problems. Moreover there is no one role which is superior or inferior and while dealing with any problem the organiser has to play more than one role. Therefore depending upon the situation and the needs and problems of the community appropriate role has to be applied.
The primary role of the community worker is ‘to guide and helps the community members to discover the ways and means of achieving their goals. As a guide, he helps the community to move effectively in the route, which it sets for itself. While the community worker has some responsibility to help, the community choose this direction wisely, based on the many factors that may operate in the given context, the choice of direction and method of movement must ultimately be that of the community’( Ross , 1955). As a guide, he is required to provide needed information and ideas that the community may initially lack. For example, in community facing the problem of unemployment, Community Worker should be able to provide information about the various employment schemes and options of self-employment, the terms, conditions and sources of credit, and other important information for employment’.
The final the choice and means of deriving employment will rest with the community.
In a situation where the community worker perceives the need and relevance to a particular project for community development, he may stimulate a need with respect to the project. He may promote discussion on the project and may recommend the rewards of action on the same. But his/her role as a guide does not allow the liberty of launching action on this project unless the community is ready and is wanting for such common action.
Finally, as a guide, the community worker instead of doing anything on his/her own, guides the members of the community in the process of community work. The community worker is not a person to shoulder the responsibility or solving problems of the people. Instead, he has to make the people to respond for which the worker provides the various avenues and shows different roots while dealing with the community problems.
In general, the role of the enabler is simply to facilitate the process of community work, but this role is as varied and complex as each situation with which the worker deals. He does not do any work by himself or herself but he enables the community members to do the work (Ross. 1955).The worker gives more importance of the process than the product.

By the role of enabler, the community worker would create “independency among the people by which he avoids the dependency. The community worker plays the role of an enabler by facilitating the process of community work” (Ross, 1955) .
The role of the enabler requires judgment about how much of support and encouragement can be given, how much anxiety relieved, how much support provided at different stages so that the community is able to move at a comfortable pace and with sufficient self-confidence. Enabling the community to maintain good interpersonal relations, cooperative and collaborative attitudes and practices, and to deal with inter- group tensions, conflicts and other blocks also fall in the domain of the community worker (Ross, 1955).
The community organiser only initiates the process, people have to follow, and at the time of difficulties, they refer back to the community organiser. Therefore the role of the community organiser is to make the people understand the process and fully participate so that they are ready to stand on their own’ (Ross, 1955).
As an expert, the worker’s role is to provide information, knowledge and advice in a number of areas about which he has specialized. Often, worker has to provide research data, technical experience, and resource material, advice on methods that the community may need and require in the process of achieving its goals.
The worker may serve as an ‘expert’ in diagnosis and analysis of community problems and may help the community to understand its own structure, dynamics, potentialities and constraints. He is expected to be skilled in research methods, able to conduct studies and formulate research policy. He is well informed and able to give information about programmes, policies, legislation as also resources provided by government departments, private agencies, international organizations, and ways of securing the same. He should be able to facilitate the bridging of gaps between community needs and existing resources. The worker as an expert does not supreme or insists on the acceptance of his “expert knowledge”. All information offered by the worker is only for consideration and discussion, to be used effectively for the community.
In the community work, the worker as an enabler plays a “supporting role” but as an expert may directly confront the group with facts and concepts that may be reassuring and helpful to it. There need be no conflict in these roles, for they should supplement and support rather than compete with each other. The role of expert is very useful, and without his help, the community may stumble unnecessarily.
The kinds of functions performed by the expert may illuminate somewhat the distinction of roles:
Community Diagnosis
The worker may serve as an “expert” in community analysis and diagnosis. Most communities have little understanding of their own structure or organization. The worker may be asked about, or may wish to point out, certain characteristics of the community, neglect of attention to which may seriously impede the work of the association. For example, the informal social organization of the community, the nature of the forces that separate certain groups in the community, the significance of certain rituals in the lives of particular ethnic groups etc., may all need to be understood if cooperative work is to be secured in the community.
Research Skill
The worker should also be skilled in research methods, able to carry out studies on his own, and to formulate research policy. The worker should be able to, at least make an initial formulation of the problem, to indicate the scope and nature of the research etc. In sophisticated communities, the worker may not be the most knowledgeable person in the research field, but it is an area in which he should be able to speak with confidence, if informed opinion of him is requested.
Information about other Communities
In addition, the worker should be informed on research studies and experimental work in other communities. He should be able to acquaint the community with projects developed elsewhere and with useful principles derived from these.
Advice on Methods
The worker may also have expert knowledge of methods of organization and procedure. Local custom will govern practices at this point in a considerable, but the worker can provide a good deal of useful advice, e.g., making certain all the major subgroups is represented in the initial stages of organization, taking time to identify the real leaders of informal groups of the community, etc.
Technical Information
The worker should also be well informed and able to provide resource material on technical plans. That is, he should know where and how to get material on any project being contemplated, be it a library, school, health service, roads, or agriculture. This implies that he knows the resources of government departments, private agencies, international organizations, and ways of securing available help in specialized fields.
The worker must be an expert to provide some evaluation or interpretation of the process of cooperative work, which is being carried. The community worker must be able not only to understand with objectivity, the content of discussion, but also the process of interaction and the effect of this on individuals and groups. He should be an expert to interpret these to the community without damage and in a way that will increase people’s understanding and ability to operate as a group in the community.
In all these areas, the worker may function as an expert, providing data and resources useful to the group.
A social therapist, according to Ross (1955) deals with those deep lying and often-unconscious forces, which constantly and often in the hidden form threatens to disrupt the community organization process. As a social therapist, community worker empowers people to help one another. The healthy social environment is essential for the individual or group and community for productive life, independent, and joyful. The community worker channelizes the healthy social environment by establishing necessary spiritual, social and physical conditions for the community to thrive.

This is a specialized function or role of community worker. It involves community therapy. It implies diagnosis and treatment of the community as a whole. The community is able to recognize these deep-rooted ideas and practices, verbalize about them, and begin to cope with them, it may develop a capacity to function more effectively as an integrated unit. The professional, working at the community level in this way has, of course, a wider field for diagnosis. He must know the origin and history of the community as a whole and in its separate parts, must understand the social roots of many of the present beliefs and customs, the association of beliefs and practices, the power structure of the community, the roles and relationships between roles established in the community. The difference in method of the therapist and the average worker in the field are the depth and thoroughness of the analysis and treatment. The social therapist deals with those deep-lyings and often unconscious force which are constantly (and often in hidden form) threatening to disrupt the community organization process.
Some other Roles of Community Worker are
A. Communicator: The community organiser transfers or transmits information, thought, knowledge etc. to the members of the community. Prepare and empowers community by sharing with information. The communication between the organiser and the community and within the community is essential. Various ways of communication can be by individual contact, group meetings, group discussions, public meetings etc. Often the community organiser takes an upper hand and considers that the people are illiterate and ignorant and hence the dealings happen as a master and slave relationship. In order to avoid any such undesired relationship the community organiser maintains transparency and communicates with the people.
In order to disseminate the information on the people, the community organiser can use techniques like audio and video shows, skit, role-plays, and street plays etc. The organiser can train the people in all these communicative techniques. It will be more effective if he is able to organise the small children and train them in this regard. By giving, the responsibility for such groups to communicate with all other members of the community, will also be helpful in reaching out the whole community (Agnimitra, N).
A greater reliance on the locally accepted and indigenous channels of communication is desirable, it is more effective. Local leaders and local groups like women’s groups, youth groups, children’s clubs etc are some such options.
- Animator – In any process of community organisation the organiser encourages, provides direction and guidelines to proceed in carrying out different activities collectively and with self-help initiatives. In developing societies like India, people are often victims of a chronic ‘dependency syndrome’ and therefore fail to spontaneously mobilize the action or even take crucial decisions on their own. Many people because of their culture tend to depend on others and do not want to decide anything on their own. In such situation, the organiser as an animator helps the people to come forward and have active participation in all phase of the process of planning to evaluation. The animator is doing any further corrections or modifications in the works of the community. The animator plays a vital role in eliciting the active participation in the people from planning to evaluation, especially ensuring involvement in people in all the dealings of the issues and problems.

- Counsellor- The community organizer initiates work by developing an intensive understanding of the community. Often he is expected to enable the community to understand itself in terms of its multiple dimensions. It may involve diagnosis and treatment of the community as a whole. He may help the community to face its underlying forces and attitudes that may be creating tension and conflict among the groups in the community.

Further, after enabling the community to recognize these deep-rooted ideas and practices verbalise about them, and begin to cope with them. The community is helped to develop a capacity to function more effectively as an integrated unit. Thus, as a counsellor and social therapist, the organizer deals with the deep-lying and often latent forces which threaten to disrupt the community organization process.
At the time of difficulty, the individuals or the groups are given the required counselling to help them proceed with the correct direction. One of the very basic dimensions of counselling is to be a patient listener. Usually everyone likes others to listen to them and hesitate to listen to others. Moreover, as a counsellor he has to step into the shoes of others, understand and respond. People when they are in trouble, what they need most are that there should be someone to listen to them. When people approach with a problem there should be someone to attend them. In all such situations, the community organiser can easily step in as a counsellor for helping the people.
D. Collaborator – The community organizer collaborates with his colleagues, co-professionals and other organizations working in the community. In contemporary context, the importance of maintaining collaborative partnerships between other organizations is well recognized. In the situation where there are also other organizations working towards similar problems, a collaborative effort is not only more desirable but also more productive and feasible. Therefore, the community organizer is expected to Collaborate with such other organizations to establish effective linkages and network

The community organiser joins hands in performing his task with his colleagues with other like-minded people and organisations. The organiser has to have interpersonal relationships and public relations skills. Now organisations approach a problem not with their personal capacity as they also depend upon neighbouring organisation. Similarly other organisations may also look for cooperation and collaboration with different organisations. There are also organisations working towards a similar problem, wherein a collaborative effort will strengthen both the organisations. Therefore, the role of collaborators is very much needed for networking with similar and like-minded organisations working for a common cause.
- Consultant – The community organizer enjoys the trust and confidence in the people and is often relied upon to advise them about matters of vital importance of them. The people, who often seek his guidance and expert advice, rely upon his expertise and experience. As a consultant, he makes himself available to people, who are in need of his inputs. He is also able to furnish his expertise to community groups and community organizations. The community organiser becomes a person with knowledge and information that is being shared with the people.
As a consultant, the community organiser makes him available to the people that are in need, because the community organiser has information and expertise, which could be availed of by those who are in need of it. The community organiser instead of working in the field in one area will be able to contribute his expertise through many individuals and groups by performing the role of a consultant.
- Innovator – The community organizer innovates, performs and constantly strives to improve on the techniques through the process of community organization. This gives a lead to the people of the community and enables them to try out new ways and means to find solutions to their needs and problems. Community organization is not merely for solving problems, but the broader goals of capacity building of individuals, groups and the community as a whole have to be meaningfully achieved. Innovative ways of improving the capacity of the people, introducing new and more effective ways of community building, as also reviving the traditional and indigenous systems from within the community form an integral part of the role expected from the organizer.

Community organiser is not a person to maintain the system that exists, but he should be a person to introduce new ways and means to climb up the development ladder.
- Model – The people perceive community organizer as a role model and a source of inspiration. He needs to be aware of the influence that he is able to exert on the community. The people who look up to him for his knowledge, skills and expertise often emulate his behaviour and approach. He also sets innovative models of working on community issues that could be replicated in other communities facing similar circumstances/problems.

Proper planning in approaching a problem and executing the plan and documenting the whole process will be of great help to others. The problem solving process sets a model for others to follow. The community organiser commands perfection as a community organiser and serves as a source of inspiration. The role of the organiser is to become an example while working with the people. This should further become a model that could be applied to other areas with similar problems.
H. Motivator – The community organizer stimulates and sustains active interest in the people for reaching a solution to their needs and problems. The community organizer encourages the community to take up a minor task and complete it successfully. This in turn enables the people to take up more tasks that are difficult. In such a process, the people at times may not take any initiative or may be content to live with the existing situation. In such a context, the organizer motivates the people by making them observe, analyse, understand and respond to the situation. When people are discouraged, because they are not able to achieve what they wanted or there is resistance and opposition, in such situations, the organizer plays the role of a motivator to help them continue efforts in spite of difficulties.
- Catalyst – In the process of community organization, the community organizer enables the people to become empowered by gaining accessibility and control over resources and acquiring skills in decision-making. He accelerates the actions and reactions to people so that they are able to achieve the desired results. As a catalyst, the organiser is able to increase the response level of the people. The catalyst role further enables the people to become independent and become better equipped in responding to their own needs and problems.
- Advocate – Community Worker speaks on behalf of the community to gain access to services or to improve the quality of services provided. As an advocate, the community organizer argues, debates, bargains, negotiates, and confronts the forces working against the interest in the community.
The role of the advocate is to represent or persuade the members of the community and prepare them to represent their issues to the concerned authorities in order to bring about an effective solution to their unmet needs. The advocacy role is an important one in the present context of community work. The needs and problems of the people have to be presented at appropriate forums and the required support and networking obtained in order to increase the pressure on the oppressive forces. In the role performance of the advocate, the community organizer champions the rights of community groups.
- Facilitator – A facilitator assists the community to find coping strategies, strengths and resources to produce changes necessary for realizing goals and objectives. A facilitator helps client systems to alter their environment.

The community organiser helps the community to articulate their needs, clarify and identify their problems, explore appropriate strategies, select and apply intervention strategies, and develop the people’s capacities to deal with their own problems more effectively. As a facilitator, he provides support, encouragement, and suggestions to the community so that they may proceed more easily and skilfully in completing tasks or solving problem.
L. Mediator – A mediator is involved in resolving disputes between members or between the community and other persons in the broader environment. Thus, a community organiser intervenes in disputes in parties to help them find compromises, reconcile differences, or reach mutually satisfying agreements. The mediator takes a neutral stance between the involved parties.
- Educator – The community organiser as educator conveys information about the community and those in the broader environment. Organiser provides information necessary for cope with problem situations, assists the community in practicing new behaviour patterns or skills, and teaches through presentation of role models. The community organiser provides information necessary for decision-making.

This module has described the basic roles of community worker. The community work is a process which involves the community in taking the initiative in identifying, analysing, selecting the different needs and problems of the community. The community also identifies the need and resources and works out the plan of action, implements, evaluates and continues with the next priority areas. In the process, worker plays different roles like guide, enabler, expert and social therapist etc in different settings depending on the situation, needs and problems in the area.
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- Christopher A.J. (2010) Role of Community Organiser in Different Settings in Social work Intervention with Communities And Institutions, Gracious Thomas (ed.) New Delhi .: IGNOU
- Cox, F.M., et.al. (1987), (Fourth Editions) Strategies of Community Organisation, Illinois : Peacock Publishers.
- Gangrade, K.D. (1971), Community Organisation in India, Bombay, Prakashan.
- Kramer, Ralph M & Harry Specht (1975), Readings in Community Organisation Practice, New Jersey: Printice Hall Inc.
- Ross, M.G. (1955), Community Organisation, Harper and Row Publishers, New York.