7 Print Materials: Different Types
Dr. Shikha Kapur
Content Outline
- Introduction
- Objectives of the module
- Origins of Print Material
- Newspaper
- Wall Newspapers
- Newsletter
- Leaflets/ Flyers
- Magazines
- Banners
- Posters
- Billboards
- Books
- Brochure
- Conclusion
Many materials and media are used today for teaching –learning and conveying effective messages to the adult learners/students. Print materials or media have been one of the oldest and most popular forms of instructional devices for passing on information to them (Reddy, 1987). By virtue of their form, they also have a very wide outreach, are ease to absorb and grasped by the learners. All forms of printed text and other printed forms of visual communication are embodied in Print materials. Print media are important as they spread information about daily events and news and can reach a very large number of readers at a given point in time. Written texts in form of books, journals, magazines, brochures explicitly and implicitly educate people. Apart from this they entertain readers. The stories and articles in magazines or newspapers can generate a lot of interest in the minds of the public. Advertisements an important print media are inexpensive and can target a huge population all at once. This module will examine the origins of print material, different types of print materials available and the effective use of print material.
Objectives of the Module:
i) To acquaint the students with different types of Print Materials
ii) To enable the students to understand the characteristic and utility of each of the print materials
iii) To help them select and effectively use print material most suitable for their situation.
Origins of Print Material
The earliest forms of printing text, images and patterns date back to 220 AD. Known as the Woodblock Printing, it originated in China and was widely used throughout East Asia until the 19th century (Whitfield et.al., 1990).
The Woodblock Printing technique also called the woodcut printing was used to print on textiles initially and later on to print paper, books as well as images. The cloth to be printed would be placed on a flat surface and printed using wood blocks. In Mesopotamia and Egypt

around 3000 BC, the precursor of the woodblock printing was the use of small stamps and cylinder seals. Instead of using ink they would be used to form impressions on 2-dimensional surface that was generally the wet clay. Similarly in both China too before the advent of woodblock printing of 220 AD, seals and stamps were used for making impressions. Though early forms of paper had existed in China since the 2nd century BC it was Ts’ai Lun (48– 121 AD), a Chinese official who is attributed with the invention of paper in 105 AD. He was responsible for the first significant improvement and standardization of paper-making by adding essential new materials into its composition. It was a Chinese peasant named Bi Sheng (Pi Sheng) who developed the world’s first movable type (Palermo, 2014) between

Drafting a simple sentence in Chinese language is indeed an arduous task.
It was Johannes Gutenberg a German blacksmith, goldsmith, printer and publisher who ushered in a Printing revolution in 1439 in Europe. His mechanical movable type printing was an important invention of the second millennium. This great scientific revolution triggered off Renaissance, Reformation and the Age of Enlightenment in Europe.

Printing is done by using ink on paper in a printing press and shows images and text. The print media are the fastest way to reach the public and their primary goal and use to disseminate information about everyday activities, events and news. It also entertains its audiences and readers. Whether it’s a magazine or newspaper that covers all the stories and articles, different genre of print materials generate a lot of interest in the minds of the public. Print material is quite inexpensive and hence advertisements are usually displayed in it. Another important use is that of advertisements, as and can target a huge population at once. There is a large number of print material available and they will be examined systematically one by one.
Newspapers are the most popular form of print media. It is a printed serial publication usually issued on a daily or weekly basis consisting of folded unstapled sheets and contains news, articles, advertisements and correspondence. The news and informative articles contained in the newspaper are divided into various segments covering a large spectrum of areas like
current affairs and events, health, education, sports, art, literature, science, technology, space, politics, finances, natural disasters, food, entertainment, clothing and fashion, societies, entertainment along with various advertisements, job informations and so on. Weather forecast, comics and cartoons, obituaries, notices, advice columns and appeals also form part of newspapers. Newspapers are generally printed on relatively inexpensive, low-grade paper quality.
Newspapers publish news stories, news articles and feature articles on local, national and international news. The pages are numbered in the newspaper, Along with news, an editorial page usually written by resident editor and opinion articles and columns written by guest writers and columnists form an integral part of the newspaper.
Different types of newspapers cater to various audiences, and one can select the particular category accordingly. The papers may be published in print form or available online. The printed newspapers are generally delivered at home, or are available at newsstands, and it is the most inexpensive way to reach a huge mass of people quickly (Reddy, 1987). The online newspapers also known as e-papers are available online. Newspapers may be published daily or weekly. The advertisers can hence choose and advertise in daily newspapers or weekly tabloid. The press advertisements are designed by Advertisers and their size is decided as per the budget of the client.
Wall Newspapers:
Wall newspapers are newspapers that are printed on one side and put up or displayed periodically at a prominent place like on the wall of a school, community centre, recreational centre, information centre or the village panchayat ghar. The wall newspapers are updated weekly or every fortnightly.
Wall newspapers provide local news that is of immediate interest and utility to the readers like launching of a new program or scheme or even new job opportunities. They highlight current activities and motivate the readers for whom it is intended. It also works as a reminder and provides timely and periodical information. Wall newspapers encourage three important aspects in the life of readers viz. development, participation and communication.
Newsletters are generally used as information sources for neighbourhood, communities, and groups having an interest about that particular topic, or event. It is a printed report containing news and information pertaining to the activities of an organization (institutions, societies and associations) or a business sent by mail regularly to all its members, customers, employees or people. Newsletters generally contain one main topic of interest to its recipients. The electronically sent newsletters via e-mails are called as E-newsletters. Mostly the newsletters are free. Sometimes people may have to subscribe for the same.
For producing effective newsletters it is important that a thorough research is done before writing the articles from readers’ perspective. The journalistic style of simple writing may be followed comprising of five Ws (who, what, where, when and why) and one H (How). Quotes, statistics and facts may be used to make the articles interesting. Photographs, illustrations, pictures, cartoons, comics and caricatures along with interesting headlines support the articles. Copyright issues should be avoided by citing sources. Before publishing its important that a thorough proof reading is done.
As a publication newsletter covers one main issue or topic. Newsletters are also used for promotional purpose, political and religious campaigns, or for causes. Newsletters are also used in many schools as a communication tool with parents, which give them information about what is new in the school. Many companies make use of newsletters as a marketing strategy to provide all the information to customers and employees.
Leaflets/ Flyers:
Leaflets or Flyers are a single sheet of printed matter that give information or advertise a good or a service. They are relatively inexpensive, easy to read, maintain, preserve and used for future referencing. In fact leaflets/ flyers are most commonly used for advertising by small organizations for targeting the market. They can be very useful and can help in generating business. However, they may not be of use for big companies. A leaflet/flyer is crisp and eye-catching so that it attracts people’s attention.
Leaflets /Flyers can be distributed outside schools, colleges, universities, in exhibitions, or can be put on the walls of a community, marketplaces, offices depending on the kind of audience the organization is targeting through the flyers. Flyers are relatively inexpensive, and hence they can be distributed easily in the market, neighbourhood, or at signals. They are the most common form of advertisements at local events and parties.
Magazine is a periodical publication which includes articles, numerous advertisements, which is aimed at particular readership and at times covers a particular area or a subject. Magazine in short, is a compilation or combination of the wide variety of contents. Magazine comes from Italian term ‘magazin’ and Arabic ‘Magzin’ or ‘Mazan’ which means a ‘storehouse’ or a ‘warehouse’. This term was used in 17th century in the title of books providing information useful to particular groups of people.
Magazine is meant for diverse audience /readers and has a longer shelf life as compared to newspaper, leaflets or pamphlets. A magazine may be weekly, fortnightly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, bi-annual or annual in terms of periodicity. A magazine contains several pages of materials, on the area or topic of the magazine. A magazine may pertain to wide variety of subject or areas, for eg. Health education (men, women and children ), parenting, children, laws, polity, general awareness, finance, current affairs, news and views, sports, sports, fashion, science and technology, space, gadgets, travel and tourism, business to name a few. Advertisements in magazine are the fund providers for the magazines. Advertising in magazines costs a bit more, but it is a great way to target some market segments due to is wide appeal and large outreach throughout the world.
Banners are a long strip of cloth or even a flag bearing a slogan or design carried in a demonstration or a procession or even hung over a public place. Banner is derived from a French term meaning ‘banniere’ meaning ‘out of which flag is made’. In German it means official edict or proclamation. Banner making is an ancient art. At many places banners are made of cloth, or paper and are used to show slogans, logos, or some messages. It is also used for advertising brands in exhibitions, giving out the names of products, or services that are being provided. Communication details are an important part of banners.
Like banners, posters also come under the same category for the same purpose. Posters are mostly hung at a height and are made attractive so as to catch the attention of the
passers-by. Posters inform, educate and communicate messages. Both banners and posters are customized and include text as well as graphics―that too in a huge size so that the message is seen from far (Dhama, and Bhatnagar, 1997). Big posters of huge proportions are called as Hoardings. The primary use of posters can be seen in political campaigns, besides propaganda and even protests. It is a self-made form of advertising. The advent of modern posters can be traced back to 1840s in form of placards and posted bills.
Billboards are large and outdoor advertising also called as Hoardings. They have mostly become digital, but they qualify under the category of print media as the advertisements are printed on the billboard. These include text and graphics―mostly as a combination―so as to make it more appealing. Both the elements are so combined so as to elicit attention and leave an indelible impression. Besides digital, billboards may be painted, mobile, bi-cycle or a multi-purpose billboard. Billboards are typically found in high traffic zones where the number of passers is high. Billboards have fixed locations and are huge in size so that it can be seen and read from a long distance. Billboard advertisements are the most costliest in the print media category. The price depends on the size, location of the billboard, and mostly on the duration of the advertisement. Apart from advertisements, a lot of promotional activities and sensitizing the public is done by making use of billboards. Even though it costs a lot, it helps in targeting all the market segments.
Book refers to specifically to primary school textbook that helps children master the art of reading as well as writing. A book comprises of sheets of papers or parchments/vellum or papyrus or similar material (including dried leaves before the advent of paper) that are fastened together on a hinge at one side or in the centre. The single sheet in the book is referred to as leaf or page. Books are the oldest form of print media that are used as a way of communication and information piece. They give an opportunity to writers to spread their knowledge about a particular subject to the whole world. Books comprise of both the written text and visuals. Books are a diverse and address a wide variety of topics such as art, literature, science, mathematics, history, delving both into fiction and non-fiction that only inform, impart knowledge, educate and also entertain the readers.
A book is actually a collection of many printed pages, which are later bound together. After printing was invented, books were printed giving knowledge of various sections of the society globally. As technology is developing and evolving, e-books are now replacing actual books.
A brochure, also known as pamphlet, is an informative booklet that contains the details of the company, or organization. They promote and introduce the companies. Generally, brochures are for takeaway, so as to keep the brand in the mind of the audience. They are distributed in exhibitions, or shops in which particulars of the product, or services of the company are provided along with communication details. It is very necessary that the brochure contains all the required details of the product or service with terms and conditions along with the charges. Brochures generally consist of two or three folds of glossy and colourful sheets with some nice presentation. They are mostly distributed by hand, sent by mails, or you may find them at brochure racks as well. Brochures are now available in electronic format called the e-brochures. These have an added benefit of having unlimited distribution and cost savings when they are compared to traditional paper brochures
Print materials have an immense instructional role for individualized, group and mass learning. Printed materials may be original pieces of writing or they may comprise of duplicated materials. They include a wide spectrum of instructional, informative and even recreational materials. These materials are written descriptions that maybe scholarly, scientific, references, teaching and instructional materials as books, textbooks, programmed textbooks, laboratory manuals, training manuals, and even teaching aids. These can be stored, retrieved, printed, reprinted and reproduced as newspapers, newsletters, magazines, brochures etc. Towards the end one has to take care that any print material produced conforms to A, B, C of good writing, that is, it should possess accuracy, brevity and clarity.
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