2 Technological foundation of education
DR. Sally Enos
Module structure
1.0 Learning Outcomes
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Concept of Educational Technology as a Discipline
1.3 Instructional Technology as part of Educational Technology
1.4 Communication Technology as part of Educational Technology
1.5 Information Technology as part of Educational Technology
1.6 Information and Communication Technology as part of Educational Technology
1.7 Let us sum up
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module, you should be able to:
- Describe the concept of Educational Technology
- Explain the concept of Instructional Technologyas part of Educational Technology.
- Explain the concept of Communication Technology as part of Educational Technology.
- Explain the concept of Information Technology as part of Educational Technology.
- Explain the concept of Information and Communication Technologyas part of Educational Technology.
- Justify the concept of Educational Technology as a Discipline
1.1 Introduction
Technology is derived from the Greek word techne, which means “art or skill of hand” and ‘logy’ is the making, modification, usage and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, in order to solve a problem or modify the existing solutions, to attain the set goal, handle or perform such roles so as to ensure the appropriateness of the required and acquired goals.
The human species’ use of technology began with the conversion of natural resources into simple tools. The discovery of fire has led to varied available sources of food and the creation of wheelhelped humans access to many areas. Other technological developments like printing press the telegraph, telephone, computer and the Internet have reduced the gap in communication and allowed humans to interact freely on a global scale.
Technology has had an impact on the society in a number of ways. Technology influences the culture, traditions and value system of a society and new technology often promotes ethical and health related questions.
In many societies, technology has helped develop more advanced economy and has also led to pollution and depletion of natural resources.
Three factors have led to adoption of technology in education:
• the exploding population
• the knowledge explosion
• the changing science and technology of our current society
1.2 Concept of Educational Technology:
What is Education? Education is derived from Latin wordsEducare/Educere, Educatum- an act or a process of acquiring and imparting knowledge, skills and attitudes. What is technology?
‘It is the application of knowledge and science to the practical aims of human life by changing and manipulating the human environment.Technology includes the use of materials, tools, techniques, and sources of power to make life easier or more pleasant and work more productive. Whereas science is concerned with how and why things happen, technology focuses on makingthings happen’.
Technology is a science of techniques and methods of doing things related to science arts or any profession.Technology is continually developing a system of information processing aimed at providing better ways of living. Technological infrastructures range from small chipsets up to the satellites orbiting the planet.
Educational Technology means role of technology in educationand technology of education by which educational goals can be achieved.
Technology of education deals with systematic application of the resources of scientific knowledge of the processes of learning that each individual has to pass through in order to acquire and use knowledge. Technology in education refers to the use of technological hardware in education.
What is hardware (H/w) and software (S/w) aspect of educational technology?
Hardware aspect of educational technology refers to machine aspect of educational technology which includes tape recorder, computer, OHP etc. Software aspect of educational technology includes audio/video cassettes, microfilm, slides, power point presentations, word file etc. while the former is based on engineering principles; the latter is based on psychological and sociological principles.
ET I- Hardware approach
ET II- Software approach
ET III- Systems Approach
ET III- is the systems approach or system analysis influencing the decision making at administrative and managerial functions with reference to input aspect, output aspect and feedback mechanism. It emphasizes the principle of feedback control. The feedback refers to a kind of reciprocal interaction between two or more events in which one activity generates a secondary action which, in turn redirects the primary action.
Definition of Educational Technology:
G.O.M Leith (1967):“Educational Technology is application of scientific knowledge about learning, and conditions of learning to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching and learning.”
National Council for Educational Technology-UK: “Educational Technology means the development, application and evaluation of three different things i) techniques ii) systems and iii) aids to improve the process of human learning.”
Association for Education communication and Tech US–“Educational Technology is an integrated process involving People, Procedures, Idea, Design and Organisation for Analysing the problems, Devising, Implementing, Evaluating and Managing solutions to those problems involved in all aspects of teaching and learning.”
Nature of Educational Technology:
• Systematic application of science and technology in education.
• Practical Discipline rather than theoretical Construct.
• Provides efficiency to the task of teaching learning.
• Technical guidance and solution to the problems of Education
• Effective communication between teacher and taught
• Encompasses total teaching Learning process.
• Educational Technology is not limited to the use of A-V aids.
• Involves 5 M’s.(Man, Medium, Machine, Message and Materials)
• Designs tools and techniques to evaluate learning outcomes.
Scope of ET: Areas included/ field of operation
• Analysis of the process of teaching and learning.
• Identifying the educational goals and objectives.
• Development of the curriculum
• Development of the teaching learning material
• Teacher preparation/ Teacher training
• Development and Selection of the teaching learning strategies and tactics.
• Development, Selection and Use of appropriate A-V aids
• Effective utilization of hardware and mass media.
• Effective organization and management of the system through systems approach
• To provide essential feedback and control through Evaluation.
The scope of educational technology is unlimited and works for the overall planning and organization of the system and its subsystems.
Educational Technology is wise application of the available human and material resources for providing appropriate solutions to the educational problems and to improve the processes and products of Education.The term Educational Technology has wide meaning and scope and involves Information technology, Communication technology, Instructional technology, Information and communication technology and Behavioural technology.
ET = IT+ CT+ InstT + BT+ ICT
1.3 Instructional Technology as part of Educational Technology
Instructional Technology is a sub set of Educational Technology if we consider Instruction as a subset of Education.Education can be defined as a process of living through continuous reconstruction of experiences and Instruction is a process of providing a controlled environment consisting of various componentswith which an individual interacts and gains experience leading to the attainment of certainpre specified learning outcomes.
Instructional Technology consists of network of techniques or devices to achieve the pre identified objectives/ goals.Educational Technology is a comprehensive process and imparting of instruction is one of the sub-processes of achievingthe goals and objectives of education.
Instructional technology is often referred to as a part of educational technology, although instructional technology covers the processes and systems of learning and instruction. Educational Technology includes other systems used in the process of developing human capability.
According to S.M McMunin“Instructional Technology is a systematic way of designing, carrying out and evaluating the total process of learning and teaching in terms of specific objectives based on research, human learning and communication, employing human and material resources for effective instruction”
Fundamental Principles of Instructional Technology:
- Content matter can be divided into elements and each element can be represented independently.
- External learning conditions can be created by arranging elements in alogicalsequence.
- Learn at his/her own pace
- learning is influenced by learners need and motivation
- Instruction can provide necessary reinforcement
- Strategies and tactics of instruction are designed to achieve the well-defined set of objectives
- Individualized learning possible
Instructional technology involves Teacher controlled instruction; Learner controlled instructions and individualized instruction; Devices for cues, prompts, motivation, self-pacing; Models of teaching; devicesof self-correction and evaluation.
Since Instructional technology is a combination of hardware, software and systems approach we can say that instructional technology is part of Educational technology.
1.4 Communication Technology as part of Educational Technology
As civilization has evolved, so has communication technology. From letters to phone calls to email, basic communication methods have consistently progressed into the complex systems we experience today. As humans continue to become more and more dependent on technological communication, such improvements will continue to be made. The present day communication technology has essentially made interaction instantaneous, inexpensive and concise.
The activity of designing, constructing and maintaining communication system such as telephones, telex, fax, radio, television, video, and computer based technologies has enhanced the quality of communication between individuals or groups.
• It involves all electronic system
• It is the combination of communication + Machines for quick and easy mode of transfer of information (communication).
Communication Modes:
Modes of communication are ways (modes) of sending information from one person or device to another.
- One way communicationuses print media, Radio andTelevision broadcasting, gramophone, tape recorder.eg Educational Radio, Educational TV, Educational Films whereas
- Two way communication uses Teleconferencing, videoconferencing, internet chat/email.E.g. Teleconferencing, A-V conferencing, Chat, SMS, e-mail, Discussion Board, Language laboratory.
These are the basic forms of communication, but they can be broken down into more specific styles.
Face-to -face communication is the most common. This includes casual conversation between two or more people. Face- to-face is a very easy communication style that everyone has experienced and does not incur extra cost thus making this the cheapest option for communication. It is also instant, and you get the benefit of visual cues from the person or people to whom you are communicating.
Video communication is achieved by using Web cameras to connect two or more parties. This is the next-best communication option after face-to-face, as you get almost the same benefits.
Audio is a voice-only form of communication and it can be related to conversation on a telephone. It does not permit face to face communication, howeverit is a good instant communication tool.
eText communication includes Internet communication, such as email, instant messaging and forums, text messaging and printed papers. Text communication does not have the benefits of audio and video, but it is much easier to distribute information to a large group of people and save records of the communication.
The Internet, Cell phones, instant messaging, texting, email and video conferencing has modernized the pattern of interpersonal communication.
The advantages of Communication technologies are:
- Convenience:Modes like e-mail, Skype, Blogs, Social networking sites has made reaching out a very easy and convenient.Communication technology enables one to get in contact with whomever, whenever and whatever time is convenient to an individual. It cuts across time and space.
- Time: Communication technology enables quick and timely execution of task thus saving time. It shortens distance and hastens speed and can address many at a time.
1.5 Information Technology (IT) as part of Educational Technology
The data processed by employing hardware equipment of computer with the help of software program for communicating information for specific purpose is called Information technology.
- Information is the collection of facts gathered through various means.
- Technology makes the information gathering fast and easy.
- Information along with technology is information technology.
- Information technology deals with the information system.
- Main task is to improve and modify the information system by changing the hardware device andsoftware program.
Information technology is a combination of telecommunication and computing to obtain, process, store and transmit in order to provide information in the form of voice, pictures or text. This includes:
- Software applications and operating systems,
- Web based information and applications such as distance learning.
- Telephones and means of telecommunications
- Video equipmentsand multimedia products.
- World wide web
- Electronic devices- e.g. photocopier, scanner, mobile.
Information technology deals with the use of computers and software to store, protect, convert, process and transmit information securely. Information technology, or IT, is used in education at all levels from the school site to the district office to the state and even federal levels. Information technology has allowed for a more accurate tracking, transport and storage of information and continues to evolve. IT has become an integral and necessary part of education.
Components of Information Technology:Includes Hardware, Software, data, people and set of methods (tradition and practices of the educational system).
Process of Information technology: Information technology is combination of communication technology + computer technology. IT involves the processing of information by a computer. The software applications and the hardware devices are the main components of information technology. The web browsers, the operating purpose applications are the software used in information technology.

Role of Information Technology in Education:
- Computer networking system and internet system are the mega trends of Information Technology which are used for various types of information system in education and research studies.
- Research in networking, computing, data representation for exploring the existing methodologies.
- Online learning tech and multimedia electronic libraries to improve the sharing of knowledge and educational practices.
- To develop problem solving, analytical and research skills.
- Electronic learning: Tools like WebCT, Enspire, Webex, HP virtual classroom, IBM lotus virtual classroom etc help students to understand, learn and interact effectively.
- CBT delivered through CD ROM/ LAN/ internet provides motivation, feedback in place teacher.
- WBT delivers educational content through internet/intranet and provides links to other learning resources such as references, e-mail, bulletin boards, and discussion groups.
- Virtual classrooms: Students can- search data bases, listen to pre-recorded audio comments,
- Converse with teacher/ other students through e-mail, discussion board, use apt resources to seek, access and apply knowledge.
- Online Education from remote places.
Need for Information technology:
- Education is a life-long process therefore anytime anywhere access to it is the need.
- Information explosion is an ever increasing phenomena therefore there is need to get access to this information.
- Education should meet the needs of variety of learners and therefore IT is important in meeting this need.
- It is a need of the society that the individuals should possess technological literacy.
- Information Technology can increase access and bring down the cost of education to meet the challenges of illiteracy and poverty.
Importance of Information technology:
- access to variety of learning resources
- immediacy to information
- anytime learning
- anywhere learning
- collaborative learning
- multimedia approach to education
- authentic and up to date information
- access to online libraries
- teaching of different subjects made interesting
- educational data storage
- for open and distance learning.
- access to the source of information
- multiple communication channels-e-mail,chat,forum, blogs etc.
- access to open courseware
- better accesses to children with disabilities
- reduces time on many routine tasks
1.6 Information and Communication Technology as part of Educational Technology The revolution in Information and Communication technology (ICT) has profound implications in education, economic and social development. It has pervaded every aspect of human life whether it is health, education, economics, governance, entertainment etc. ICT refers to a technology employed in the form of tools, equipment and application support which helps in the collection, storage, retrieval, use, transmission, manipulation and dissemination (CSRUTMD) of information as accurately and effectively as possible for the purpose of enriching the knowledge and develop communication, decision making as well as problem solving ability of the user.
Information and communication technology (ICT) in education is the processing of informationand its communications facilities and features that support teaching, learning and a range of activities in education.ICT has become ubiquitous in the education system. Its interactive and multimedia approach has created effective learning. ICT comprises of hardware, software and media. Information and Communication technology includes various dimensions such as integration of multimedia, method of transformation of information flexibility in usage and it has the speciality in linking one another for effective learning.
Information and communication technology consists of Information technology and communication technology.
The components are:
• Processor, memory and input/out-put channels,
• Micro. Mini and Large scale computers,
• Mass storage technologies,
• Data communication, networking and distributed processing,
• Data entry, display respond, and Software
They involvethree major aspects:
• Computer Technology,
• Communication Technology and
• Reprographic, Micrographic and Printing Technologies
Application in Education:
- To broadcast material, online facility in different subject
- To facilitate communication for pupils with special needs
- To use electronic toys to develop spatial awareness and psychomotor control.
- To facilitate video-conferencing to involve students from distant geographic areas
- For Blended learning by combining conventional classroom learning.
- To process administrative and assessment of data.
- To exchange and share ideas among teachers for the professional growth.
1.7 Let us sum up
The term “technology”, as Ofiesh (1964) observes, implies the application of science to art. When we apply the science of learning and communication to teaching, we evolve a technology, i.e., the technology of instruction. In modern education, we can witness the impact of two forces; one, of physical sciences and electronics and the other, of behavioural sciences, operating on the process of instruction. Both these forces have contributed to the evolution and growth of educational technology. The interaction of physical sciences with education provides us with traditional aids, tools and hardwares such as paper, ink, books, radios, linguaphones, films, etc. and more sophisticated modern hardware like electronic computers, space satellites, language laboratories etc.
To describe the use of technology in education means the use of equipment and the concept of technology of education means improving the effectiveness of learning. It is the application of IT and CT. in education. It helps the learner to plan, arrange and evaluate learning experiences.
Communication Technology is the activity of designing, constructing and maintaining communication systems. It is the electronic system used for communication between individuals or groups.
Instructional Technology is the application of system approach in the systemic design of a learning system. It helps to bring about improvement in media, material and message. Information and communication Technology is the technology which uses the information to meet human need or purposes including processing and exchanging. All the above three exhibit the characteristics of educational technology as ET-1(Soft-ware), ET-2(Hard ware) and/or ET-3(Systems approach). Hence educational technology is an umbrella term encompassing Instructional technology, Communication technology,Information and communication technology interspersed with behavioural technology. It can neither be confined to the use of audio-visual aids, software materials and hardware equipment nor the use of psychological principles and instructional theories. It covers every aspect of planning, execution and evaluation of teaching learning process.
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- Patricia R, berg G, Boethtcher J, Howard C, Justice L, Schenk K, Encyclopedia of distance learning, Second Edition, Volume I
- Patricia R, berg G, Boethtcher J, Howard C, Justice L, Schenk K, Encyclopedia of distance learning, Second Edition, Volume II, Educational Technology and learning theories( Gary Berg) Pg 759
- Patricia R, berg G, Boethtcher J, Howard C, Justice L, Schenk K, Encyclopedia of distance learning, Second Edition, Volume III, Information literacy Pg 1178
- Schreiner C, handbook of research on Assessment Technologies, Methods and Applications in Higher Education,Information Science reference, Hershay New York
- Tomei l, Adapting information and communication Technologies for effective education, Information Science reference, Hershay New York
- Mangal S,K; Mangal U, 2010, Essentials of Educational technology, PHI learning Private limited, New Delhi
- Differentiate between technology of education and technology in education by Varsha Sen. http://www.preservearticles.com/2011121918577/differentiate-between-technology-of-education-and-technology-in-education.html
- http://www.ehow.com/list_6808595_forms-communication-technology_.html
- http://wikieducator.org/Need_and_Importance_of_Information_Technology_in_Ed ucation
- Forms of Communication: www.mbgh.org, www.communicationtoolbox.com
- ICT Tools for building Digital Learning Environment: Chidnandappa. S and Dharnendra Prabhu. http://drtc.isibang.ac.in/xmlui/bitstream/handle/1849/234/paperZA_chidnandappa.p df?sequence=1