15 Role of Technology in Education
DR. Susant Kumar Pradhan
Unit Structure:
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Meaning of Technology in Education
14.3 Technology in Education Vis-à-vis Educational Technology
14.4 Typesof Technology in Education
14.5 Role and Application of Technology in Education
14.6 Merits and Limitations of Application of Technology in Education
14.7 Caution in applying Technology in Education
14.8 Let us sum up
14.1 Introduction
Technologies have revolutionised and continue to revolutionise the way we live, work, play, relax and for that matter practically every aspect of our life. The system of education has also not remained untouched by the impact of technology. Impact of technology on education can be seen in two ways: first, in the form of development of various courses of studies about technological development and their application leading to both technical and liberal degrees and diplomain different areas of study and second, the application of technology and its allied tools in the process of instruction, learning and evaluation that even transcends all activities and functions of educational institutions/agencies at different levels.
In this unit, we will examine the meaning and concept of technology in education vis-à-vis technology of education and other related terms. We will also examine the role of technology in education along with its merits and limitations.This unit will hopefully facilitate your decisions about the use of technology in classroom and non-formal settings, and to be able to justify your use of the technology to enrich the quality and outspreadof the reach to educational opportunities for learners including adult learners.
14.2 Meaning of Technology in Education
The term ‘Technology in Education’ comprises of two terms viz. technology, which means the practical application of scientific knowledge to aid and augment humanabilities, senses,intellect, efforts and productivity and education on the other hand refers to the process of acquiring socially desirable knowledge, skills and values by learning and instruction. Technology in education, therefore conclusively refers to the use of variety of technological tools (viz. audio-visual aids, communication media, computer, internet etc.) and applications for instruction and learning. According to NCERT(2006), the term ‘Technology in Education’ was coined much earlier in the process of evolution of the term “Educational Technology” or “Technology of Education” and the then educational writers narrowly viewed its meaning as aids (audio-visual) that can be primarily used as the transmitter of lesson content.
The meanings of these terms are in a constant flux. The ever changing nature of technology also changes the configuration, structure and application of technology in education along with the other aspects of human endeavour. It is not surprising that in the evolutionary process the term technology in education at some point of time rechristened to be referred as technology of education and at some other point of time as educational technology.
Therefore, in the present context we can only look for a more acceptable meaning of the term “technology in education” for the practical purpose of furthering our discussion about the role of technology in education. In this limited sense we can indisputably conclude the meaning of “Technology in Education” as the use of every form of technology (viz. software and hardware, including human speech, writing, printing, curricula, chalk and blackboards and inthe recent past, photography, telephone, cinema, radio, television, video and more recently, computers,internet and other digital and communication media)relevant to education.
The use of technology has enriched the world in all walks of life including that of education. One can see and feel the change in air as classrooms are becoming modern and teachers and students are benefiting with gadgets such as computers, Smartphones, tablets, etc. The advent of internet has made a sea of change in the way teachers can demonstrate concepts and ideas to children and make learning almost fun. Information today has been encapsulated in internet which can be beautifully used to allow learning be a fun rather than being a drudgery.
Research indicates that application of technology in education invariably increases students’ learning, understanding, and achievement besides augmenting their motivation to learn. Technology facilitates collaborative learning and supports the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Proper implementation of technology in the classroom gives students more control of their own learning and tends to move classrooms from teacher-dominated environments to ones that are more learner-centered.
Thus technology in education refers to, but is not limited to the use of hardware and software, including internet and other related activities, for the purpose of enhancing human capabilities in the realm of teaching-learning.
14.3 Technology in Education Vis-à-vis Educational Technology
Technology in Education and Technology of Education are two phrases that are really confusing to many. Technology of education is often referred to as educational technologythat means a complex integrated system involving people, procedures, ideas, devices and organisation for analysing problems and devising, implementing, evaluating and managing solutions to those problems involved in all aspects of teaching-learning.
Technology of education deals with systematic application of the scientific knowledge of the processes of learning that each individual has to pass through in order to acquire and use knowledge.However, technology in education is not limited to the use of technology to learn and to impart knowledgein easier and effective manner but also refers to a field of study in itself for those who are involved with developing technological tools for educational purposes.
For some educational writers “Technology in Education” is preferable, as an expression, to “Educational Technology”, since the latter seems to imply that there is something intrinsically educational in the technologies involved, which does not seem the case. The former expression allows for the possibility that technology that was invented for purposes totally unfamiliar to education, as is the case of the computer, may, eventually, become so tied to it as to make one wonder how education was ever possible without it. Human speech, writing, and the printed books were also invented probably for purposes less noble than education. Today, however, education is almost inconceivable without these technologies. In a few years the computer and internet will almost certainly be in the same category.
Some also view educational technology as synonymous with technology in education as it involves the use of technology as a “tool” to enhance the teaching and learning process across all subject areas. In that sense educational technology is concerned about teaching and learning with technology.Many other such expressions viz. instructional technology, information and communication technology, communication technology etc. are also used in the broader context of educational technology and technology in education that leads to further confusion.
To have a clearer understanding of these terms let us have a cursory view of the following: Instructional Technology: InstructionalTechnologyis the process of employing a combination of techniques or devices (e.g. audio, video, telephone, computer, satellites, cameras, system approach, teleconferencing etc.) to accomplish a set of instructional objectives.According to AECT (Association for Educational Communications and Technology)Instructional Technologyis “the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning.”Therefore,instructional technology is often referred to as a part of educational technology
Communication Technology: In contemporary times communication technology refers to the electronic and telecommunication systems (e.g. telephone, fax, internet, e-mail, radio, television etc.) that facilitate communication between individual and groups who are separated by distance. Education by and large is the epitome of communicative process hence communication technology naturally become associated with it.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT): Information and communications technology in general refers to a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, create, store and manage information.
ICT in education similarly refers both to an array of tools, and also to the principles for their effective application, that advance learning and support a range of activities in educational settings.When we talk of ICTs, we refer not only to the latest computer and telecommunication based technologies, but also to simple audio visual aids such as the transparency, slides, tape recorders, radio, video, television, films etc.
Though these terms are justifiably used in the field of education in some specific sense in certain context with their semantically defined contour and expression but their purpose and significance often directly or indirectly link those to that of educational technology and/or technology in education. Besides,with the increased convergence of the technological designs and with the coming together of the media, satellite and the computer, the dividing lines between these different terms are becoming blurred and consequently, the way people define and refer to these terminologies is also correspondingly getting more and more assorted and inclusive.
Technology in education as an expression may have been preceded the relatively more contemporary educational technology or technology of education in terms of preference or periodic context but so far as the basic purport is concerned these terms individually or collectively concerned with the improvement of the quality of education with reference to access, equity and , efficiency. Thus, technology in education like other similar and parallel terminologies viz. instructional technology, information and communication technology, communication technology and educational technology aims at augmenting the teaching-learning process and the reach of education to the needy byintegration of advancements of the knowledge, skills and expertise in the different branches of science and technology.
14.4Types of Technology in Education
With rapid development of technology, educators, students and parents now have a variety of teaching-learning tools at their disposal. The technologies that are commonly used in education for aiding instruction and enhance learning can be classified as synchronousand asynchronousmedia based on their basic characteristics.
Synchronous media require all participants in the instructional process to be present together at the same time even though in different locations but connected by any computer and telecommunication based system.
Asynchronous media on the other hand allow for participants to study at their preferred time and place without directly remain connected with the instructor but certainly connecting with the content of instructional module to which they may have been provided with access off-line.
Table 14.1 Types of Technologies/Media used in Education

Application of technology in education also includes use of other tools like Cameras (both still and video), overhead projectors, LCD projectors, computer, smartphones, internet, various software (like Power Point) to make presentations, sound recorder and acoustic system etc. to augment classroom instruction. Overhead projectors and PowerPoint software enhance lectures by emphasizing key points and incorporating photos, graphs, and cartoons into presentations that would otherwise lack visual interest. Slides and transparencies are of great help for instructors as those can be prepared in advance to save time.
14.5Roleand Application of Technology in Education
Technology can improve education to a great extent and it has now become a need for revolutionizing education for the better. Role of technology in education or teaching-learning can be viewed in so many ways.
To Enhance Presentation
- By involving projective technology and specially designed software laced with animation, video and interactive components. For example, PowerPoint software can enhance lectures by emphasizing key points and incorporating photos, graphs, and cartoons into presentations that would otherwise lack visual interest.
- Optimizing the pace of content delivery
- Illustrating procedures, equipment, or situations that students may not have the chance to experience first-hand
- Helping students visualize problems they will encounter in real life situation including in the world of work
To Stimulate Learner Participation
- By reaching to students with different learning styles, including visual, auditory, and experiential learners
- Providing challenging and engaging learning experiences
- Providing instant feedback
- Providing variety of teaching and learning preferences
- Helping students gain experience with a process or skill
- Encouraging students to interact with teachers and students through, email, chatrooms etc.
- Building community
- Facilitating effective teamwork
To Enable Self-Instruction
- Allowing students more control of their own learning in terms of pace and preference
- Allowing students to access course material at home and engage with the numerous online resources available to them
- Adding depth to points covered in lecture or demonstration
- Relieving the students from the monotony of taking notes
To Extend Information Access
- Improving access to educational resources
- Increasing communication among teachers and students
- Emphasizing key points in laboratory or lecture
- Clarifying lecture, laboratory, or textbook explanations
To Help in Administrative Tasks
- Managing learning and other resources of the system. Software likelearning management system tracks attendance, time on task, and student progress.
- Ensuring Comprehensive and objective assessment
- Maintaining students development data
- Timely reporting of students developmental data to their parents
- Allowing teachers’ to effectively organize and present lessons
- Reducing the time on routine tasks
- Giving better access to learners with special needs
14.6 Merits and Limitations of Application of Technology in Education
Application of technology has revolutionised the system of education today. Now there is a trend of increasing use of technology by both teachers and learners. Though the use of technology has become inevitable at the same time we must make ourselves aware about the benefits and limitations of the use of technology in education. A meta-analysis of various researches and the scholarly literature has identified the following benefits of technology in education.
- Using technology in the classroom allow teachers to effectively organize and present lessons. Multimedia presentations can make the material more meaningful and engaging for the students.
- The Internet itself has unlocked a world of opportunity for students. Information and ideas that were previously out of reach are a click away. Students of all ages can connect, share, and learn on a global scale.
- Technology, especially the computer and Internet based technology is quite efficient in providing learning experiences in the form of drill and practice; help diagnose and solve problems, for accessing information and knowledge about various related topics.
- Technology makes the task of the students easy so far as their access to various educational materials is concerned.Instructors can post their course material or important information on a course website, which means students can study at a time and location they prefer and can obtain the study material very quickly.
- Students usually learn more in less time when receiving computer-based instruction and they like classes more and develop more positive attitudes toward computers in computer-based classes (Kulik and Kulik, 1991). Students are more motivated to learn when they are interested in the subject matter, which can be enhanced by using technologies in the classroom and targeting the need for screens and digital material that they have been stimulated by outside of the classroom (Gu, Zhu, &Guo, 2013).
- Technology helpsin providing truly individualized learning experience in which students learn as individuals and not as a homogenous group. Individualized learning experience can make the students relate to the content, go forward and backward in the content, start at any point depending upon prior knowledge instead of always in a pre-determined fixed sequence or as per the group instruction.
- Technology promotes higher order thinking which induces the following:
- Adaptability and managing complexity
- Curiosity, creativity and risk taking
- Innovative thinking and sound reasoning
- Collaboration and interpersonal skills
- While using multimedia components students tend to individually progress from using low ordered skills gained from drill and practice activities to higher level thinking through applying concepts creatively and creating simulations.
- Technology creates more opportunities for extended learning. Now a day a sizable number of schools and homes have access to computer and the internet. This allows students to access numerous online resources available to them without moving out of the comfort of their homeand school. Students can use their home computers and internet to conduct research, participate in social media, email, and play educational games and to watch and learn from stream videos.
- Using computers or other forms of technology give students practice on core content and skills while the teacher can work with others, conduct assessments, or perform other tasks
- Technology ensures high speed delivery of content with wide reach.
- Technology ensures uniformity in delivery of the content of good quality that is centrally produced by best of the experts in a field of education without discriminating students of different locality and socio-economic status.
- Technology democratizes education in the sense education is no longer limited to the privileged few and even those who are downtrodden and poor can learn all the ideas and concepts which were like a dream to them in earlier times. Internet today has become very common and it has become a popular mode of dissemination of knowledge without any discrimination.
- Technology provides alternative modes of education (e.g. distance education, on-line education, virtual education etc.) by making education more accessible beyond thetraditional time and space paradigm.
- Use of technology reduces the unit cost of education in the long run.
- Extensive integration of technology in the form of e-content, e-textbook, and other educational software reduces the use of paper and other allied stationaries in the process of education and thereby promote green education.
Although technology in education has many benefits, there are manylimitations as well. High infrastructure and establishment costs: It requires high initial expenditure to install technological hardware and software (e.g. to install computers, video equipment, projectors etc.) systems.
High Maintenance Cost: Heavy expenditure is also involved in maintaining and up keeping of the equipment. Without proper maintenance and upgrading the costly technological equipment lose their applicability as the technologies are in a constant flux.
Problems of Reach andAccess Remain: Economic condition and financial problems often come in the ways ofequal access to advanced technology in the classroom or access to
educational technological tools like computer, internet, ETV etc. at home.Everyone does not equally benefit from the use of technology in education. In country like India not only many students but a large number of educational institutions remained deprived of technology due to financial issues.
Availability of Suitable Multimedia: Multimedia content those are suitable for local learners in terms of prescribed curricula and preferred language especially in Indian context is so far not sufficiently available. Language is an important issue in the teaching-learning process in India. In many part of the country medium of instruction is the local language. Therefore the multimedia packages usually available in English or any language other than the medium of instruction in a local context is of no use.
Digital Divide: It is still a significant barrier to integrate technology into education because the socio-economic status of a school, and its students, will impact whether resources can be purchased and implemented in the schools.Technology in education tends to create new classes of knowledge rich and knowledge poor.
Knowledge rich are those who are privileged to have access to technology integrated education and the knowledge poor are those who are deprived from the same.Thus, a divide is inadvertently occurred between haves and have-nots of digital knowledge.
The concept of the digital dividethus defined as a gap between those who have access to digital technologies and those who do not. This access is with reference to the age, gender, education, income, ethnicity, and geography or location of the learner.
Standardization of Learning:Technological application in the form of development of e-content, on-line testing, educational software often leads to standardisation of the learning experiences ignoring individual and social differences from psychological, social and cultural point of view.
Ignoring of Affective Traits: Technology is mostly used as a tool of delivery of the content. Oftenbeing enthusiastic only about the effective delivery of content and transmission of knowledge and information as the sole purpose of education we forget the more social and humane aspect of education to bring about desirable behavioural and attitudinal changes in learners. Technology mediated education devoid of humanistic touch may result only in mechanical learning of certain quantum of information on the part of the learner rather than the essential affective traits.
Problem of Reorientation and Retraining of Teachers and Students: For effective use of technology in teaching-learning process the teachers and students require to undergo frequent reorientation and retraining.However many educators do resent the idea of reorientation and training. Lack of proper knowledge of the purpose and use of educational software often results in underuse, misuse and even abuse of technology.
Misuse of Technology: It is observed that students tend to misuse technology like computer and internet for playing games and browsing undesirable content other than the suggested learning content.
Technical Failure: Technological failure or malfunction either due to poor maintenance of hardware or updating of software usually disrupts the instructional process. In India lack of uninterrupted power supply in most part of the country is the main cause of such technological failures.
Loss of Time: The poor functioning of the technological tools often in the form of lack of internet connectivity, poor speed of download and upload accidental data loss due to sudden system failure etc. results in tremendous wastage of valuable time of learners as well as the others in the teaching-learning process.
Attention Deficit Syndrome: Electronic devices such as cellphones and computers facilitate rapid access to a constant stream of sources, each of which may receive cursory attention. According to Rich brains of the students of digital generation are rewarded not for staying on task, but for jumping to the next thing. However, the worry is we are raising a generation of kids in front of screens whose brains are going to be wired differently.
Threat toEthics of Education: It has been observed that, increasing use of technology in education especially the use of computer and computer based technologies resulted in rampant violation of intellectual property rights (IPR). Now students have been found indiscriminately engaged in the unethical act of copy-paste exercise in the name of doing assignments and projects. This trend of over dependency on internet and other digital sources deprive the students to tap their own innovative and creative abilities. Some educators also do not mind in compromising with IPR while preparing courseware and other works of professional development.
Before we use technology in educationit is more important that we recognize both its strength and limitations. Otherwise we may either end up in misusing technology in education or rendering the technology useless.
14.7 Caution in Applying Technology in Education
Technology can be used meaningfully for the benefit of learners, teachers and others in the system of education.At the same time technology can be misused and abused. We must try to make the most of technology in education and to check themisuse and the abuse of it by taking certain precautions.
Establish Guidelines: Students do better when they know what is expected of them. They must be explained in advance how any technology works and the goalsfor using a particular technology of education. If the purpose is to incorporate Web discussions or online chatsinto a class, for example, it should be ensured that students know what kindof responses are expected from them and how theirresponses will be evaluated.
Encourage Student Interaction: Use of technology can lead to passive learning, as when students watcha video or read Web content with no follow-up. Therefore, to ensure that the students stay engaged with the material they may be involved in discussing video presentations in groupsor by searching for and summarizing their own Web research.
Vary Technology: Students frequently divert from their learning task and therefore maintaining of their motivation to complete the learning task is very important. By adopting different technology students can be helped to stay focussed and active in their learning task without getting bored.Media presentations can also enhance lessons by capturing students’ attention and providing visual or auditory examples of subjects discussed in class. Make sure that you preview any resources you plan to use in class, and cue them to the appropriate spot before class begins.Providing a viewing guide or asking students to pay attention to certain issues will help focus their experience and prevent them from tuning out. Stop the video lessons at regular interval for discussion, questions, and to reinforce important points.
Facilitate Access:Copies of video, audioor other material used in class should be kept reserved in the library for students who missed class or otherwise would like to review the materials.Students must be provided with complete reference for finding the basic course material and supplementary web resources so that they can easily access those without wasting time unnecessarily for searching for the same.
Practice: Technology can take some time to master. Class time is precious soteachers should refrain fromspending time in an unproductive manner like fumbling with Internet connections or troubleshootingsoftware etc. Instructors should get themselves adequately familiarized withthe technology outside of class regarding where to plugequipment in, how to open a program, when to break for discussion, when to ask questions, what to do in the event of any unforeseen technical failure etc.
Backup Plan: It is a good idea to always have backup plan or material on hand. Carry a hard copy of lecturenotes rather than relying on PowerPoint slides.Prepare a writtensummary of video you planned to show, or bring students to the libraryrather than conducting research online. In some cases, one may be required to have an entirely different lesson plan on hand.
Ensure equal Opportunity for All: Make sure that media-based experiences can be enjoyed by all thestudents, including the differently abled learners. All students must get equal chance to actively participate in technology laced or technology mediated lesson without any fear or favour on any grounds.
Select Appropriate Technology:Evidence suggests that educational technologies can improve student achievement, so long as such tools are integrated thoughtfully into teaching and learning. When digital capabilities like, online environments are incorporated meaningfully into instruction, students have new opportunities to learn and achieve.Matching learning outcomes to appropriate technologies is an important step for effectively integrating technology into classroom teaching and learning.Technology will benefit the learning if it enhances the presentation of a concept, motivates the learner, and provides an authentic learning experience.
Avoid Overuse: Technology is a tool with which course content is learned. Overuse of technology where it is not needed can unnecessarily distract the students focus from learning task and even obscure a point.
Set Ethical Principles: For the meaningful and honest use of the content that is available in the media or internet students should be provided with clear cut guidelines based on ethical use of others intellectual property be it write-ups, photographs, video or audio clips, charts, diagrams, presentations, books, articles etc. Students should be encouraged to refer but at the same time be cautioned not to plagiarize others work or even to use others work in their own project without due acknowledgement or without permission.
14.8Let’s Sum-up
Technology is changing the face of teaching-learning and education. Teachers have more resources available to present the content and learning experiences, and students have more opportunities to engage themselves in learning. The teaching and learning are increasingly becoming more and more effective with the intervention of technology.
In this module we have seen that technology in education like other similar and parallel terminologies viz. instructional technology, information and communication technology, communication technology and educational technology aims at augmenting the teaching-learning process and the access of educational opportunities to all by systematic integration of the knowledge, skills and expertise advanced in the different branches of science and technology.
We have discussed how technology can be effectively used to improve the classroom presentation, motivate students, stimulate active participation of learners, give enriched learning experiences to the students, objective assessment of students’ progress, reporting of learners progress to their parents and others otherwise significant, relieve teachers from the mundane administrative and allied workload and so on and so forth.The application of technology in education is also apparent from the fact that how efficiently and effectively educational services are delivered today.
With emerging technologies such as computers, tablets, netbooks, interactive whiteboards and wireless solutions gaining ground in the education system, the reliance on technology by the education is touching new heights.
The application of technology in education has its own sets of benefits and limitations.
Therefore while thinking about integrating technology in education it is required to:
- check the prearrangements as necessary for the use of particular technology;
- select relevant technologies that are suitable for the goals and outcomes of the course;
- choose a range of technologies that are motivating and intellectually challenging for the learners;
- assess the pros and cons of the particular technology to be used;
- ensureequal access to students without discrimination;
- ensure the preparedness of the learners to benefit from the technology; and,
- formulate a set of guidelines regarding dos and don’ts of using technology ethically. Thus, we have seen how technology can be a great addition to the system of education. Technology is playing a significant role in the system of education by improving student learning and helping studentsreach their goals. The range oftechnologies is vast with tremendous potential and it increases every day. Ultimately it will be up tous to evaluate the potential effectiveness of a particular technology forour course and our students.
you can view video on ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION | ![]() |
- Chen, Irene and Jane Thielemann (2008). Technology Application Competenciesfor K-12 Teachers. Information Science Pub.: Hershey, New York.
- Dunn, Dana (2011). Best Practices for Technology-enhanced Teaching and
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- Gu, X., Zhu, Y. &Guo, X (2013). Meeting the “Digital Natives”: Understanding the Acceptance of Technology in Classrooms. Educational Technology & Society, 16 (1), 392–402
- Kulik, Chen-Lin C., Kulik, James A. (1991).”Effectiveness of computer-based instruction:
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- NCERT (2006).Position Paper on National Focus Group on Educational Technology.NCERT: New Delhi.
- Ritchel, Matt (2010). Growing up Digital, Wired for Distraction. The New York Times. 21 Nov. 2010
- http://www.ehow.com/about_4815039_advantages-disadvantages-technology-education.html
- http://www.mu.ac.in/myweb_test/ma%20edu/ICT%20-%20Edu..pdf. ICT in Education
- http://www.unesco.org/education/aladin/paldin/pdf/course01/unit_13.pdf
- https://ict3year.wikispaces.com/Difference+between+Educational+Technology,+Instruction
- al+Technology+and+Information+%26+Communication+Technology
- https://wiki.uiowa.edu/display/edtech/Advantages+and+Disadvantages+of+Technology