39 Role of CIET in Development of Educational Technology
DR. Pratima Pradhan
Module Structure
38.1 Introduction
38.2 Emergence of Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET)
38.3 Divisions of CIET
38.4 Role of CIET
38.5 Functions of CIET
38.6 Efforts taken to mobilize Educational Technology
38.7 Important Programmes of CIET
38.8 Other Activities of CIET
38.9 Let us Sum up
38.1 Introduction
The world has been reduced to a small knit family with the emergence of technology. The application of technology can be realized in every step of life. There is a fairly large consensus that technology has been an inevitable and integral part of our everyday life, work and home experiences. A day without the use of technology cannot be imagined. Like any other, the field of education has not been shy away from technology. In fact technology has brought a revolution in the field of education. We can observe the degree of use of technology in the classroom setting from the blackboard to assessment of student’s achievement. The entire learning process now, is under the control of educational technology. The launch of INSAT brought with it a drastic change in the field of education. Television and radios entered into the classrooms. In order to provide quality education through educational technology and improve communication technology Central Institute of Educational Technology came into existence.
38.2 Emergence of Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET)
In 1980 Indian National Satellite (INSAT) was launched. The accessibility of INSAT for educational purposes, led the Ministry of Education to take over the production of educational television programmes for transmission via Doordarshan. INSAT for Education was envisaged as a tripartite project andsupportedby UNDP, UNESCO, and GOI. AnEducational Technology Division in the Ministry ofEducation was set up with the support of this project.
In-service training through the multimedia approach was organized by the Centre for Educational Technology (CET), NCERT in 1975–76 with the educational objective to show teachers that “Science by Doing” is a good technique for teaching science, and get them to practice it.
The Central Institute of Technology (CET) was mergedwith theDepartment of Teaching Aids of NCERT and wasrenamed as Central Institute of Educational Technology(CIET). Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET) as a premier institute of Educational Technology, located in New Delhi was set up in 1984 at the top level. The Centre of Educational Technology and Department of Teaching Aids were merged and the CIET had taken its shape. Itis the sixth element unit of the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT),and an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Government of India. MHRD also funds CIET. With the formation of CIET some of the ET cells in the states were upgraded to State Institutes of Educational Technology (SIETs) and ET cells were opened in some other states. Along with SIETs, CIET aimed at the utilization of mass communications in a major way to meet various educational objectives.
The vision of CIET is to be the national pioneer and leader in various aspects of the professional improvement and advancement in educational communication and technology, grounded in theory, in research, in practice and in code of ethics, providing solutions by utilizing the innovations, research combined with design, building and managing the resource centre of quality educational media software and integration of technology and pedagogy.
The main aim of CIET is to endorse Educational Technology especially mass media singly or in combinations (multimedia packages) to extend educational opportunities and improve quality of educational processes at the school level. It is mainly concerned with the development of video and audio programme, 16 mm films and other learning materials, training of personnel in educational technology, media planning, and script writing programme, production and technical operation. Let us see the functions of CIET through its different divisions in promoting and using technology in the field of education and training.
38.2 Divisions of CIET
Central Institute of Educational Technology conducts its activities and programmes through its six divisions:
i) Media Production Division,
ii) Planning and Research Division,
iii) Department of Information and Communication Technology,
iv) Training Division,
v) Media Resources Dissemination Division and
vi) Engineering Division.
38.3 Role of CIET
The roles of CIET are mentioned below.
a. To design, develop and disseminate alternative learning systems: CIET is taking lead in designing and developing e-content in the form of learning objects. It plays a significant role in developing interactive multimedia as learning materials in Mathematics and Geography for standard IX to XII.
b.To promote Educational Technology: CIET encourages using educational technology for providing better quality of education. It promotes mass media individually or in combination develops multimedia packages to extend educational opportunities. It helps in improving the qualities of education at school level.
c. To train Personnel in Educational Technology: It provides training to the teachers to develop and make use of learning objects effectively. It trains teachers face to face as instructional designer.
d.To advice and co-ordinate activities of SIETs: CIET is guiding SIETs (State Institutes of Educational Technology) for the development of learning objects.
e. To provide consultancy and media support to other constituents of NCERT: the constituent units of NCERT viz. NIE, PSSCIVE, RIEs etc. are supported by CIET in academic and technical programmes.
38.5 Functions of CIET
The following are the major functions of CIET.
a. The major function of CIET is to designand produce media software materials namely, television/ radio,film, graphics etc. It helps to strengthen the transaction of curricular and co-curricular activities at the school level.
b. CIET provides training in areas such as script development,media- production, communication and research,technical operations,setting up studios,repair and maintenance of equipment inorder to enhance the competencies in development and use of educational software materials.
c. Documentation and dissemination of information, materials for better utilization and acts as an agency in the field of Educational Technology.
d. It coordinates and provides suggestions to the academic and technical programmes and activities of the State Institutes of Educational Technology (SIETs)
e. Development of designs for the use of Information and Communication Technologies in education.
f. CIET provides training to the faculty in the use of Educational Technology in their teacher education programmes. E.g. Institutes of Advanced Study in Education/Colleges of Teacher Education and District Institutes of Education and Training
g. Research, evaluation and monitoring of the systems, programmes and materials to improve and increase their effectiveness.
38.6 Efforts taken to mobilize Educational Technology
The Ministry of Education took up a scheme of Educational Technology (ET) in 1970. Under this scheme, an ET unit in the Ministry, a Centre for Educational Technology (CET) under NCERT, and ET cells in six SITE states were set up in 1974.Both CET and DECU (Development and Educational Communications Unit) of the SpaceApplication Centre (SAC), Ahmedabad conducted formative and summative research in respect of the programmes that they had carried out. CET launched a multimedia programme of in-service teacher training, which was highly successful.
CIET carried out experiments in teleconferencing. The project seems to have reachedsub optimal achievement levels. After the initial planning, support systems were found to be lacking.The educational system has failed to appreciate the usefulness of the media programmes in their educational plans. The production of video and audio programmes was the main tasks of CIET and SIETs.
38.7 Important Programmes of CIET
Different programmes of CIET are planned, designed, produced and evaluated through its six divisions. Each division has a specific obligation and it works towards achieving the goals set by the division and the CIET in general. Each division plans its programme in the months of January-February of each year. The programmes of some of the main divisions are discussed below.
- Department of Information and Communication Technologies(DICTs) Division The DICT broadly works for:
- Creation of multimedia materials for students and teachers.
- Imparting training on use of information communication technologies(ICTs) in teaching-learning process and research methodology for teachers and teacher-educators i.e. schools, DIETs, CTEs, IASEs, SCERTs, faculty from Education Departments of Indian Universities.
- Faculty training on ICTs in Education including Web 2.0 Tools, Wiki/ Wiki Educator, MacLab and Robotino, Use of Open Source Materials etc.
- Innovations in ICTs in Education.
- Dissemination and extension of ICT resources among schools, students and teachers in every nook and corner of the country is the motto of the Division.
- Continuous updating and maintenance of CIET website.
Media Production
Tarang, a daily satellite educational television service that transmits programmes in Hindi is served by the CIET. This ETV service transmits programmes at the primary level for students and teachers. While programmes produced at CIET and the State Institutes of Educational Technology (SIETs) at Lucknow and Patna are cased and transmitted on Tarang, the other SIETs at Ahmedabad, Bhubaneswar, Hyderabad and Pune look after similar telecasts in their respective regional languages. The ETV programmes are received in eleven states and United Territories of Chandigarh and Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Audio Production
The demand of the production of audio/radio programmes has substantially increased during last couple of years. CIET produces audio programmes and broadcast them through Gyanvani–an educational FM channel operating at more than 12 stations such as Delhi, Lucknow, Bhopal, Patna, Indore, Mumbai, Jaipur, Allahabad, etc.
After signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Akashwani, the CIET is providing audio programmes to the Allahabad, Bhopal, Delhi, Indore, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Lucknow, Patna, Rohtak and Shimla Stations of Akashwani. This programme entitled Umang is broadcast once in every week.
The CIET has been producingaudio programmes for broadcast as well as for non-broadcast modes to cater the existing programmes requirements.
These programmes have been developed in such a way that they could easily be incorporated into the day-to-day learning experiences of school and not school going children. They can be used in the class room as well as at home. Click on the link to listen various programmeshttp://ciet.nic.in/audio_production.php.
These programmes are also useful to the teachers as reference materials in areas not elaborated in the textbooks but a part of the curriculum. There are packages specially meant for the teachers. Audio Production Division is, dealing with the Production of Audio programmes for children of all the age groups viz.3 to 6 years, 5 to 8 years, 8 to 11 years, 12 to 14 years, and 15 to 16 years.
The programmes cater to the needs of all areas of Education such as:
1. Pre-school/Elementary Education.
2. Science Education and Mathematics.
3. Social Sciences and Humanities.
4. Teacher Education and Extension.
5. Education of Groups with special Needs.
6. Women’s Studies.
Video production
At theVideo Production Division (VPD), high quality Educational Video programmes for the school going children (age 5 to 18 years) and teachers (primary and secondary) are produced.
- The division conducts its programmes with the help of the teams of enthusiastic and qualified Producers, Cameramen, Floor Managers, Floor Assistants as well as light men etc.
- This Division also has four subdivisions: Camera, Graphics, Scenic and Puppet.
- Video Programmes are produced in two languages viz. English and Hindi.
- The programmes are telecast through National Telecast (DD) as well as GyanDarshanChannels and they are also made available on CD formats to the students, teachers as well as general public. For telecast time schedule click here .
- Camera Unit
- Photo unit
- Puppet
38.8 Other Activities of CIET
- Educational Films
The Film and Photo Division of the CIET produces educational films.
- E-content Development
CIET develops e-content in the form of Learning Object. It is developing interactive multimedia learning objects for classes IX to XII in science, mathematics and geography. CIET provides guidance to State Institutes of Educational Technology to develop learning objects. CIET also involves in training teachers.
- Video Festival
Annually CIET organizes a children’s Video Festival for encouraging improvement of quality of production and exchange of programmes.
- Training Programmes
The CIET also proves training programmes in Educational Technology for various faculty and institutions such as the University Departments of Education, Institutes of Advanced Studies in Education (IASEs), Colleges of Teacher Education (CTEs) and the District Institute of Education and Training (DIETs).
Faculties from the CIET and SIETs are sent to different countries for specialized training in the maintenance of ET systems.
38.9 Let us Sum up
Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET) was established in 1984 with the merger of the Centre of Educational Technology and Department of Teaching Aids and sixth constituent unit of the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT). The main goal of CIET is to promote the use of educational technology, particularly mass media, for improving and spreading education in the country and for developing an alternative system of education.
The roles of CIET are to Design, develop and disseminate alternative learning systems, promote Educational Technology, train Personnel in Educational Technology, advise and co-ordinate activities of SIETs, Provide Consultancy and media support to other constituents of NCERT.
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Important Links and References
- http://education.newkerala.com/india-education/Central-Institute-of-Educational-Technology.html
- http://ciet.nic.in/video_production.php
- http://ciet.nic.in/audio_production.php
- http://ciet.nic.in/genesis.php
- http://www.siethyd.ap.gov.in/
- http://gujarat-education.gov.in/giet/
- http://sietkerala.nic.in/
- http://sietpune.nic.in
- http://sietorissa.nic.in
- http://nroer.gov.in/gstudio/resources/videos/#videocollections
- http://wetube.gnowledge.org/DDK/480p.webm
- http://wetube.gnowledge.org/CVL/480p.webm
- http://www.sakshat.ac.in/
- http://ncert.sakshat.ac.in/ncert/
- http://umangciet.ath.cx
- http://www.ciet.nic.in/audio.php
- www.ciet.nic.in/video.php
- http://www.ciet.nic.in/video/VTS_01_2_jan.ogv
- www.ncert.nic.in
- http://www.ciet.nic.in/webcast.php
- http://www.ciet.nic.in/lecture_series.html
- http://www.teindia.nic.in/