20 Concept of Information and Communication Technology
DR. Geeta R Thakur
Module Structure
19.0 | Learning outcomes |
19.1 | Introduction |
19.2 | ICT |
19.3 | ICT in education |
19.4 | Characteristics of ICT in education |
19.5 | Significance of ICT |
19.6 | Scope of ICT |
19.7 | Let us sum up |
After going through this module you will be able to:
- State the meaning of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and ICT in education in particular.
- Explain the concept of ICT in education.
- Justify the significance of ICT in education.
- Explain the scope of ICT in education, i.e. teaching learning process, administration, research and evaluation.
It is difficult and may be almost impossible to envision future education without technology. As we all live in globalized era, we can see technological changes happening around us. They have created a new global economy supported by technology, information and knowledge.
The emergence of this new global economy has its influence on educational institutions also. As the access to information continues to grow rapidly, educational institutions cannot be contented with the limited knowledge to be transmitted in a fixed period of time. They have to become compatible with the ever expanding knowledge and also be equipped with the technology to deal with this knowledge.
In this connection, technologies like radio and television, as well as newer digital technologies such as computers and the Internet, have been proven as essential tools for educational change and reform. When used appropriately, different technologies can help expand access to education, strengthen the relevance of education to the increasingly digital workplace, and raise educational quality by helping make teaching and learning in an active process connected to real life.
In this module, we will get an overall idea about the concept of Information and Communication Technology. We will also discuss about the significance of ICT in education and its scope.
19.2 ICT
In the era of technology today, we get updated information through internet. We take online tickets or use smart cards to take tickets. We do shopping on the internet. We communicate through e-mail, telephone, fax, etc. ATM, internet, computer, mobile FAX etc. are all technologies. We make use of these technologies to meet our purpose. Mainly it is used to manage information, i.e. to create, to store, to disseminate, to process information. These are nothing but Information and Communication Technologies.
Let us see some of the definitions of ICT.
ICT stand for information and communication technologies and is defined, as a “diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, and to create, disseminate, store, and manage information.”
“ICT is that technology which uses the information to meet human need or purposes, including processing and exchanging.”
First of all, let us do one activity:
- Find out the list of electronic devices which are used in the classroom and at home for the purpose of education.
We use devices like computer, LCD projectors, smart boards, smart phone, tablet, internet, Educational satellite (Edusat) etc.We make use of software like word processing software (e.g. Microsoft word), spreadsheet software (e.g. Microsoft excel), Presentation software (e.g. Microsoft PowerPoint, Prezi etc.) video conferencing software (e.g. Skype) We do use technologies like video conferencing, virtual classroom, etc.
We also make use of tools and resources like email, chat room, blogs, wikis etc.The list is ongoing. It includes all contemporary devices and technologies so the list is not limited to today’s technology and it is updated with changing technology.All these devices, tools, technologies all together help in processing, collecting, storing, disseminating, managing information. Here information is any data which can be processed.
For example: When a teachermakes use PowerPoint presentation, the teacher is making use of technology for presenting information. During video conferencing, the devices like computer, facility like internet, software like Skype, etc. is used to share and present information.This is nothing but Information and Communication Technology. Of course, technology makes our work easier, accurate, and smoother.
Let us learn the concept of Information and Communication Technology in Education.”ICT implies the technology, which consists of electronic devices and associated human interactive materials that enable the user to employ them for a wide range of teaching – learning processes in addition to personal use.”
These technologies include computers, the Internet, broadcasting technologies (radio and television), and telephony.”Information and communications technology (ICT) in education is the processing of information and its communications facilities and features that variously support teaching, learning and a range of activities in education.”
All these definitions combine Communication technology and Information technology that have a thin line between them, but cannot do away without each other. When these technologies are applied in the field of education, it is termed as ICT in education. The term too can be used as the connotation to the term Educational technology because it also uses any hardware and software approaches that can enhance yield better learning outcomes. In the era of Computer technology the term ICT mainly focuses on the infrastructure, devices and sources of computer technology and thus it is imperative to discuss about the use of ICT in education by focusing mainly on Computer based technology.

- Hardware and software approach: ICT in education is any hardware and software technology that contribute in the educational information processing. In the context of the present era, ICT mainly comprises of Computer technology with its hardware, like, Personal computer machine, infrastructure required for setting up Internet facility and also software like, CD ROM including various programme packages, E-learning strategies, etc.
- Click here to watch video to know different software and hardware used in ICT.

- ICT includes Information technology: ICT in education is any InformationTechnology that focuses on the acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, transmission or reception of data required for the educational purpose. For example, the information about students’ records, their admissions, updates of their curricular and co-curricular activities.
- ICT includes Communication Technology: ICT in education is any technology that deals with the exchange of information or in other words communication in the teaching learning process. Uses of Electronic learning technology like Teleconferencing, PowerPoint presentations, CD ROM are Communication Technologies which are the part of ICT.
- ICT includes Educational Technology: ICT in education is any educational technology that is applied in the educational process. It incorporates a hardware approach like use of machines and materials, Software approach like use of methodologies and strategies of teaching learning. Different software packages for the use in different departments of education; e.g. library software, administration software, software related to managing the entire teaching learning process.
- ICT can be applied in all types of education: ICT in education can be applied to education includes online, distance and part time education. There are unlimited applications of ICT in the real world. Traditional and non-formal education system process includes activities like admission, Personal Contact Programmes,
- Exam for any course in a University or Institution. In this process ICT can play a great role in all the activities by providing a lot of benefits to students, teachers, parents and Universities itself. ICT can be used for providing education to the people who are not able to come to school due to various constraints.
- Select any topic of your choice to teach any class with the help of ICT and discuss your plan of action.
- Make a list of activities you can organize with your students with the help of ICT.
- Cost effective:
ICTs reduce the cost of education from very high to very low. Goal of mass education can be fulfilled by integrating ICT in education. Even though the initial investment is high, it is definitely very cost effective option for longer period as it reaches to the masses.
2. Distance and climate insensitive:
It does not matter where you are, or how the weather is, you can still access and learn from ICTs. With the advancement of ICT, education does not remain restricted within four walls of the educational institutions. Students from different parts of the world can learn together by using online, offline resources. This would result in the enriching learning experience. It also solves the problem of geographical barriers.
3. Individualization of learning:
ICT allows each individual to relate to the medium and its content. ICT enabled to cater to the individual needs of the students as per their capabilities and interest. Crowded classrooms have always been a challenge for the teacher to consider the needs of every student in the class. For e.g. ewth the help of online tutoring and computer assisted instructions, students can be given individualized instruction.
4. Uniform quality:
If the content is well produced and is of good quality, the same quality can be delivered to the rich and the poor, the urban and the rural equally and at the same low cost.

5. Makes teaching learning process interesting:
ICT can be utilized for better teaching learning process and improving quality of education. Using multimedia in education results in the increasing productivity and retention rates because people remember 20% of what they see, 40% of what they see and hear, but about 75% of what they see and hear and do simultaneously.
6. Provides a variety of tools and technologies:
There are various ICT tools available which can be utilized for the knowledge creation and dissemination in the modern world. Tools include Radio, T.V, Internet, Mobile phone, Computer, laptop, tablets and many other hardware and software applications. Certain ICT tools like laptops, PCs, mobile phones, and PDAs have their own implication in education. These devices can be used in imparting education and training for teachers and students.
7. Quick access to updated information:
Information can be accessed in seconds by connecting to the internet and surfing through Web pages. This helps the students to learn the updated content. Teachers too can keep themselves abreast of the latest teaching learning strategies and related technologies.
8. Shift of the focus on learning:
ICT has contributed in shifting the focus on learning than teaching. ICT helps to explore knowledge to learn the content through self-study.The teacher can help the students by ensuring the right direction towards effective learning.
9. Wider range of communication media:
With the advent of ICT, different means of communication are being introduced in the teaching learning process. Offline learning, online learning, blended learning are some of the options that can be used in educational institutions. Collaborative learning, individualized learning strategies can enhance the quality of group as well as individual learning.
10. Wider learning opportunities for pupils
Application of the latest ICT in education has provided many options for the learners to opt for the course of their choices. Many online courses are available for them to select any as per their aptitude and interest. Students can evaluate their own progress through different quizzes, ready to use online tests.

A) Teaching Learning Process
Information and Communication Technology has a significant importance in teaching learning process. It facilitates the students and teachers in the communication process. It has made distance education possible. It provides timely, reliable and relevant information to the teachers, students and administration which support teaching learning process.
i) Computer assisted learning
“It is an interactive instructional technique whereby the computer is used to present the instructional material and monitor the learning that takes place.”Through computer assisted learning, students can learn specific topics from various subjects on the computer. Students can learn as per their own pace and interest. Learning is more interacting. CAI is in different modes i.e. Tutorials, simulations, animations, drill and practice, games. With the help of these modes teaching learning process can be efficient and effective.
You will learn more about CAI in module no.22
ii) Computer based training: CBT is used for training in the workplace i.e. Health and safety training, how to use a piece of machinery, Flight simulation courses, how to use a piece of software.
Click here to watch a demonstration of CBT
iii) Video conferencing, chat room: Students can be given the opportunity to talk to experts, interact with students from different countries with the help of video conferencing.
Click here to watch a demonstration of video conferencing
iv) Online courses: Online courses are offered through which students can learn online either through online lecture, recorded videos.
Click here to know more about online courses
v) Educational games: Learning becomes interesting with the help of educational games which are available through offline and online modes.
Click here to watch examples of educational games
vi) Presentation software: PowerPoint presentation software is popular to present the content using multimedia approach. There are many presentation software which can be used to make instructions interesting.
vii) E-mail: e-mails are used to support classroom teaching by sharing material and improving interactions with students.
viii) Discussion forum: Teachers can form discussion forum on various topics and involve students in learning by way of discussion.
ix) Learning through social networking i.e. Facebook, blog, wiki, etc.: Social media is helpful for teachers and students to develop networking and learn through collaboration.
x) Websites:Websites provides videos, you tubes, images, content, simulations, notes, e-books, journals etc. which are useful for students to do self-study.
B) Evaluation
ICT plays major role in the evaluation. It helps in generating test, implementing the test, scoring and reporting.
i) Test generation:
Once the learning is completed, the test is given which the computer generates as per the student’s capacity.
ii) A programme to prepare a question bank:
In this programme, as many questions as possible are formulated on the subject matter and then they are selected and organized into categories as per the difficulty level, topics objectives etc.
iii) To scrutinize the test items: The selected questions are analyzed and then modified as per the requirement.
iv) To generate the test paper:The computer can prepare the final question paper which includes all the instructions and provisions for typing the personal data like, name, roll no. class etc.
v) Implementation of test:
Terminal based test: it is an interactive test that allows the student to respond to the test items by typing the answers on the keyboard. The computer scores immediately. In this type of test the computer can give the immediate feedback on each item with the remedial instruction if required.
Print based test: It is appropriate for class test. Question papers can be in the form of printouts or displayed on the screen. Test scoring can be done in two ways:
- Machine scoring – Student mark their answers on the special answer sheet which are read by the computer by an optical scanning device. E.g. Questions having alternative answers from which the correct one has to be marked by shading one of the blocks provided. The computer checks if the answer is correct or not with the help of the scoring key it has.
- Manual scoring – In this system, answers are scored by the teacher and they are fed to the computer for analysis.
Click here to watch video on online examination
vii) Reporting the results:
In the print based test, list of students is arranged either in the alphabetical order or as per their achievement along with their corresponding test scores. These scores also represented graphically for each student in order to get a quick idea about his performance.For the terminal based test, the feedback of the responses is immediate.
Click here to watch one video on preparing result online
Grades on the test:
A computer based grade book is maintained for each student.
C) Research:
Research is another important area for teachers. ICT helps the teachers in following different ways:
i. To know about recent developments in different segments through search engines like Google scholars.
ii. Collect a variety of information on a particular topic through e-books, e-journals, e-library websites etc.
iii. Using appropriate software like SPSS, Minitab etc. one can easily calculate complex calculations
iv. Generate a variety of graphs, diagrams, charts etc.
v. Data collection through internet survey
vi. Reporting is done with the help of Microsoft Office.
vii. Research collaboration is possible through social networking sites, discussion forum,
viii. Mail, desktop, video conferencing, etc.
ix. Data processing: Computer helps the researcher to analyze, process huge amount of data and perform complex computation very fast, accurate and reliable. Data from the monitoring of the learning achievement of school children which have huge sample sizes can be processed quickly and accurately only through the use of powerful computers.
Click here to watch data analysis through computer
Gaining knowledge: Online libraries and online database provide researchers with online access to the contents of thousands of books from major publishing houses, research report and peer reviewed articles in electronic journals.
Example: Qustia online library provides access 24/7 to “the world’s largest online collection of books and journals in the humanities and Social sciences”. EBSCO publishing’s EBSCO host online Research databases and the Online Books page hosted by the University of Pennsylvania libraries provides free online access to books and includes an index of thousands of online books and links to directories and archives of online texts.
Collaborative research:
ICT makes it possible to undertake collaborative research. Social networking, cloud internet storage facility sites made it possible to do research in team.
D) Administration:
Managing the time table: In the process of teaching learning, the computer can manage the class timetable. Time table soft wares make this tedious work easier.
Click here to watch how time table software works
i. Managing pupil’s attendance record: The computer can maintain an attendance register that is helpful for the teacher to know whether the students are regular or not.
Click here to know how computer helps to manage attendance record
ii. Managing cumulative records: All data is managed with the help of database software (e.g. Microsoft access)
iii. Financial records: Administration of financial matters becomes easy by using software like tally.
iv. Enhance enrollment through online admissions. Click here to watch the online admission process
v. Generation of admit cards for examination
vi. Computer based methods of attendance e.g. OMR, smart cards,
vii. Biometric methods: Fingerprint recognition, retina scans
With the already available positive experience in involving ICT in education, we should utilize the technological advancement to cope with the knowledge explosion and expansion. The true challenge is to freeze a model that captures quality and computer technology into an integrated communication system. Technology is no doubt the stimulating solution for an educational system, but the ideal situation would be a thoughtful combination that improves the advantages of both the traditional and technological educational systems.
Suppose you are a class teacher and you have been given responsibility of managing students’ attendance, cumulative records and disciplinary aspect. Prepare a plan to carry out this responsibility with the help of ICT tools and technologies.
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