23 Computer aided learning
DR. Geeta R Thakur
Module Structure:
23.0 Learning outcomes
23.1 Introduction
23.2 Concept of Computer aided learning
23.3 Modes (Drill and practice, tutorial, game, simulation, discovery, problem solving)
23.4 Advantages and limitations of computer aided learning
23.5 Role of teacher
23.6 Let us sum up
23.7 Exercise
After going through this module you will be able to:
- Explain the concept of computer aided learning
- Describe the various modes of computer aided learning
- Explain the advantages and limitations of computer aided learning
The term Computer Aided Learning (CAL) covers a range of computer-based packages, which aims to provide interactive instruction usually in a specific subject area, and many predate the Internet. These can range from sophisticated and expensive commercial packages to applications developed by projects in other educational institutions or from national initiatives to simple solutions developed by individuals with no funding or support.
Computer aided learning is a form of programmed instruction which is carried out with the help of computers.where the computer is used as a learning medium or an aid to learning. Computer aided instruction(CAI) or computer aided learning(CAL) are two terms used interchangeably with the same meaning. However, the latter term is more learner centered.
CAL is an innovation in the area of ‘Programmed learning’ which is an individualized self-learning technique carried out with the help of computer technology.
Definition: “It refers to the situation in which a computer system is utilized in the learning process.”
“It is the direct interactive learning experiences through computer.”
“It is an interactive instructional technique whereby the computer is used to present the instructional material and monitor the learning that takes place.”
- CAL is an instructional technique used in computers which is designed for an individual and is individually paced with individualized instruction.
- It is either a linear or a branching type of instruction.
- It is designed differently for different group of learners.
- It is an instructional technique based on 2 way interaction of a learner and a computer for the purpose of learning and contains a stored instructional programme designed to inform, guide and test the students.
- CAL is characterized by selection of appropriate response button by the learner.
- Complex subject matter is made simpler in CAL for the purpose of learning.
- It is costly.
1. Drill and practice:
Computers can be used effectively for drill and practice. The programme is designed in such a manner that the learner gets drilled until a skill is not only learnt but is brought to the state where the response becomes automatic. (Gagne 1982). This mode of CAL uses the computer to present the learner with a series of exercises which he or she must complete by choosing an appropriate response or answer. The computer then provides the learner with a feedback about the answer. The computer gives a congratulatory message if the answer is rightand incorrect answers are diagnosed and corrected.
CAL provides drill and practice for already learnt material.The computer keeps the record of the performances of the learner. CAL offers a means of providing endless drill and practice without repetition, at a pace that can be controlled by the learners permitting the learners to work at different levels.. The nature of the exercises depends on the learner’s progress. Thus as one learns and as the accuracy and speed improves, the exercises become more difficult or vice-versa.
CAL permits the learners to work at different levels. It also provides opportunities for the learners to design of the material permits the user to proceed, step by step, through a logical instructional sequence.The systematic design of the material permits the user to proceed, step by step through the logical instructional sequence.
Drill and practice is used for mathematics, foreign language translation practice, vocabulary building, sentence constructionetc.
E.g. In providing drill work in the skill of subtraction, the computer will display on the screen, 15-12=—— and the child will respond by typing an answer on the numeric keyboard. If the answer is wrong, the computer displays “wrong” or “incorrect” or “try again” and if the answer is right, it provides a congratulatory remark and another problem of higher level is presented 25-27=—-
2. Tutorial:
Click here to watch video on prepositions Click here to watch video on laws of motion
As you have seen in the video, the computer acts as a teacher here and the students are learning in their own way and at their own pace. Each student participates in some sort of tutorial where one is taken on a journey through the learning material viaa conversation, in which information is presented and feedback is elicited through a process of question, answer and challenge.
CAL provides learner with learning a topic or a concept through continuous feedback provided by the computer where a subject matter, complete lesson or concept is presented in the computer in the sequential order in small packages. The explanation can be given orally through audio tapes too. Perfect interaction and dialogue is maintained by both the students and the computer. The content is tested there and drilled or practised if needed. This mode can be designed in a linear or branched way.
E.g. Topics like Newton’s law of motion, history of freedom struggle, evolution of money, solar eclipse, set theory can be taught using CAL.
3. Gaming:
Games are activities that are played with a prescribed set of rules which usually results in a winner at the completion of the activity. This mode facilitates learning by playing opposite a computer or other learnerand it is highly interactive. A game activity may or may not entail simulation elements and it may or may not be instructional.
It depends on the skill practised in the game whether it is for academic or training related to a specified instructional objective. Since the learners love imagination, games can provide an excellent vehicle to impart knowledge in an enjoyable manner.
E.g. Spelling games, general knowledge games, and games on dates in history, games of calculation in mathematics, games of fixing prices of things, etc can be easily taught using the gaming technique.
4. Simulation:
Click here to watch a video on how the brain works Click here to watch journey inside the cell
As you have seen in these videos, students can see how the brain works or what is there inside the cell. It is impossible to get these direct experiences in real life. computer aided instructional videos help the students to have virtual experiences.
Many a times, learning involves the student studying real-life system or phenomena. Sometimes this is quite feasible, but there are some learning experiences, which are too timeconsuming, expensive, difficult or dangerous. Computers can be used to emulate a real life system by following a set of rules which approximates the behavior of the real system. CAL simulation is flexible and controllable by the learner.
The learner is presented with a simulated situation having correspondence with real life situation. Computer develops the model in which simulated conditions are shown on the computer screen on which the learner has to work imagining it as a real situation. Students are active characters in thesituation wherethey face all problems,take decisions and come out either as a winner or loser. In this mode, learners can practise without any risk. It can help in solving various educational and social problems.
E.g. Science experiment, dissection of a human body, learning to drive a car or badminton game, events in history, etc.
Educational simulations are metaphors designed to focCALus the learners’ attention on concepts, which allows them to explore artificial environment; imaginary or based on reality at their fingertips which provides a good opportunity for exploration, experimentation and interaction.
5. Discovery mode:
In this mode, the problem is presented to the learner who solves it either through trial and error or systematic approach. This programme provides various multiple situations through which the learner tries to find the correct answer. This is very similar to branching programme, in which various frames including the remedial frames are designed. Each frame may contain information, clues and examples and also questions to which the learner has to respond. Feedback is provided to the student for each response that he/she provides. For chemistry experiments the use of indicators for titration of acid and bases of different strengths, one can use the discovery method of presenting a problem.
E.g. Mathematical problems, grammar learning.
6. V-CAL mode:
This mode includes two teaching media viz. a video recorder and a computer in an integrated way, which makes learning highly interactive. This provides truly two way communication e.g. Video recorder is attached to the computer, which gives instructions, information or feedback to the responses of the learner by actually
interacting with him. This helps the learners to understand the matter easily and clear their doubts thus providing effective learning material to suit individual needs.
Click here to watch YouTube on Dandi march
7. Problem solving method:
This mode falls into two categories; one in which students write a program logically to solve a problem and those written by someone else to help the student solve problems.In the learner written programme, the student defines a problem logically and writes a computer program to solve it. The computer will do the necessary calculations and provide the answers. In this way the computer helps the learner in achieving problem solving skills by doing complex calculations. In the second category, the computer is the problem solver. The computer makes the calculations while the student manipulates one or several variables.
1. Correct record for teachers:
It provides individualized and complete learning to the learner and can help the teacher to collect a detailed record of performance in order to correct minute mistakes. It proves to be a very good teaching learning aid for the teacher to keep an accurate record of the learner’s performance and also to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme. The learner can also self-evaluate his performance.
2. Motivational learning:
The learning material is colorful, attractive and illustrative which motivates the learner to learn. It also helps the child to get continuous feedback of his performance which motivates him to gain mastery of the subject matter.
3. Active learning:
The immediate feedback provided by interactive teaching learning process keeps the students active throughout to respond and to keep trying for the correct answer.
4. Develops thinking ability of the learner:
CAL helps the learner to make decisions and realize the consequences of those decisions. Thus thinking ability can be developed.
5. Easy Access:
Learning can be accessed anywhere, anytime and not just in the classroom.
6. Learner centred:
The learner can learn at his own pace. It is an instrument of self-learning. It helps the learners to have some control over the rate and sequence of their learning pattern. It provides a positive, effective climate, especially for slow learners.
7. Appeal:
Color, music, and animated graphics and simulation add appeal to laboratory activities.
- A programmer cannot provide every possible response expected or required by the learner. As it programmed, computer has its own limitation. Computer cannot work as human brain. So it is not possible to understand situation, and then respond accordingly.
- The student is alone at the computer which may prove to be boring for him. Many a times it is mechanical learning which maygive physical strain to the children. One important aim of education is to develop social skills which is not possible to much extent with the help of computer aided learning. Even for inculcating values, developing sensitivity, developing right attitude, we cannot rely on computer aided learing.
- It proves to be expensive as compared to traditional learning. Prerequite for Computer aided learning are computer, speakers, headphone, internet conncttion etc. Initial investment for all these things is high. Development of CAI packages itself is very costly affair.
- It is a dehumanizing method of instruction as the computer fails to appreciate the emotions of the students. The emotional and affectionate climate created by a human teacher in direct classroom interaction is missing in CAL.
- All topics and all subjects cannot be taught through CAL. It is always suggested to give first priority to direct experiences which is ignored due to CAL.
- Required educational software are not always available in the market.
- CAL has to depend on the cooperation of three experts: computer engineer, lesson writer andsystem operator. Experts are rarely available.
- The teacher provides specific curriculum requirements for instructional units.
- The teacher has to sit with the students, determine his learning needs and preferences and produce suitable tutorial packages.
- If possible, the teacher has to write a complete programme using the appropriate computer language.
- The teacher should be well trained in designing the learning material as per the need of the student.
- Though the teacher is not in direct contact with the learner, she should constantly supervise the performance of the learner.
- The teacher should use the computer as an aid to learning and not the complete instructor.
- The teacher has to be a facilitator of learning, keen observer to ensure meaningful learning and a good guide for providing right direction towards self-learning
22.6 Let Us Sum Up:
Computer Aided Learning (CAL) covers a range of computer based packages. It helps to provide students interactive instructions related to specific subject topic by making use of computer. CAL is developed differently for different group of learners. CAL are presented through different modes i.e. Drill and practice, tutorial, simulation, games.V-cal, problem solving, discovery etc.
CAL provides individualize interactive instructions to students. Teacher get complete record of students learning progress. Students find learning motivational, self paced, simple,active and interesting. CAL helps in developing thinking ability of the learner. It is Learner centred learning.
CAL has its own limitations. It is expensive. It requires infrastructure and human, material resoruces. It lacks human touch which is important aspect of any education. It is mechanical at times. But one can remove the limitations by improving the quality of CAL.
Such education leads to developing healthy self-learning habits in students resulting in better and meaningful outcomes and also provides teachers with extra time to concentrate on other significant roles in the development of the overall personality of the learners.
you can view video on Computer aided learning | ![]() |
- Husain, N. (2010). Computer Assisted Learning: Theory and application, Shipra Publication.
- Lewis, R. J. (1987). Trends in Computer Assisted Education. Blackwell Scientific Publications, London.
- Vanaja, M & Rajasekhar S. Educational Technology Computer Education Neelkamal publication.2006.